News 2020
Vice-President Oliver Kraft
(21.12.2020)Oliver Kraft will Remain Vice-President Research

Optimal framework conditions for excellent research and for young scientists central topics

Vice-President Thomas Hirth
(21.12.2020)Thomas Hirth Will Remain Vice-President for Innovation and International Affairs

Focus on further development of innovation and internationalization strategy, strengthening knowledge transfer and dialog with society

KIT and Heidelberg University researchers work together to develop a model that schools can use in the transition to a hybrid learning environment. (Photo: Cynthia Ruf, KIT)
(17.12.2020)Real Meets Digital: Models for Hybrid Learning Environments

KIT and Heidelberg University Researchers aim to support schools. Volkswagen Foundation funds project with EUR 120,000

Analysis of a cerium oxide catalyst with carbon monoxide probe molecules and infrared reflectance absorption spectroscopy. (Figure: IFG/KIT)
(17.12.2020)Catalyst Research: Molecular Probes Require Highly Accurate Calculations

KIT researchers apply advanced methods with hybrid functionals to analyze active sites - Publication in Physical Review Letters

The further development of KIT will be discussed today in the Baden-Württemberg state parliament. (Photo: Manuel Balzer, KIT)
(16.12.2020)Further Steps to Complete the KIT Merger - Law Presented to the State Parliament

President Holger Hanselka: "Law shows a way how we can climb the next level of unity at KIT."

A view of the inner workings of the Bruchsal geothermal plant (Photo: EnBW/Uli Deck)
(15.12.2020)Having Sustainability in Mind: Lithium from the Upper Rhine Graben for Batteries

Research project uses deep geothermal energy to extract the raw material - funding is granted by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

Operando X-ray spectroscopy shows what happens in each individual part of a functioning catalyst. (Photo: Dr. Dmitry Doronkin, KIT)
(15.12.2020)Three-dimensional View of Catalysts in Action

Use of operando X-ray spectroscopy at KIT brings new opportunities for materials and reaction diagnostics.

The data recorder developed at KIT uses a GPS receiver and records raw and frequency data with very high resolution. (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
(14.12.2020)Frequency Data for Stable Power Supply

Research consortium studies fluctuation in synchronous grid areas – data recorder developed by KIT used for measurements on three continents

Playing outdoors kept kids and teens moving in the lockdown. (Photo: Martin Köhler for the Motor Skills Module Study)
(11.12.2020)Hardly any Sports – But More Physical Activity during Lockdown

While schools and sports clubs were closed, daily physical activity of children and adolescents Increased

Although fossil CO2 emissions fell in 2020 due to Corona pandemic constraints, atmospheric CO2 levels continue to rise. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)
(11.12.2020)CO2 Emissions: Record Decline due to Corona

Fossil CO2 emissions have decreased more than ever before. However atmospheric CO2 concentrations continue to rise.

The development of corona case numbers, detected drift as well as resolution of political measures on the example of Italy. (Graphic: Lucas Baier, KIT)
(10.12.2020)Significant Effect of School Closures

Data analysis on the effect of Corona measures: Study of the effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical interventions in combating the pandemic.

A good balance between technical possibilities, corporate goals, and the interests of the individual is the goal of the MeKIDI project. (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
(10.12.2020)Artificial Intelligence: Keeping the Focus on Humans

KIT coordinates MeKIDI research project for the digitalization of processes in the energy industry

Professor Laurent Schmalen (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT) and Dr. Tonya Vitova (Photo: private) each receive a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).
(09.12.2020)ERC Consolidator Grants for two KIT Researchers

Excellent research on actinide compounds and energy-efficient communication technology: Tonya Vitova and Laurent Schmalen are awarded ERC Consolidator Grants

The biodegradable display can be used directly on the hand due to its adaptability and adhesion. (Photo: Manuel Pietsch, KIT)
(09.12.2020)Compostable Displays for Sustainable Electronics

KIT researchers develop a printed display that is biodegradable - Publication in the Journal of Materials Chemistry

Making AI tangible in experiments - this is the goal of the real-world lab "Robotic Artificial Intelligence" at KIT. (Photo: KIT)
(08.12.2020)KIT Obtains Real-world Lab "Robotic Artificial Intelligence

Making artificial intelligence tangible through humanoid robots: Bidirectional exchange between society and research in focus

Amboseli National Park, Kenya: Due to climate change, the Kilimanjaro glaciers are shrinking. However, plants and animals in the valleys below are dependent on water from the glaciers. (Photo: Almut Arneth, KIT)
(08.12.2020)Climate Change Exacerbates Biodiversity Loss

Study in PNAS: Revised post-2020 biodiversity targets will have to consider global warming

Using a model, the scientists can simulate the distribution of methane on the ground. (Picture: Christian Scharun, KIT)
(08.12.2020)Digital Summit 2020: Understanding Methane Emissions from the North Sea

Scientists to evaluate local methane sources in the North Sea with high-resolution modeling

Internetplattform „German-Polish Forecast Hub“ (Bild von der Website)
(03.12.2020)Covid 19: Forecast Hub Bundles Predictions

Research team with KIT participation develops platform for short-term predictions on the development of the corona pandemic in Germany and Poland.

Hydrogen as energy carrier: KIT researchers want to transfer the advantages of fuel cells also to heavy commercial vehicles. (Photo: wbk, KIT)
(03.12.2020)New Production Technology for Heavy Goods Vehicles

Resource-efficient, flexible, and low-cost production of fuel cells – State Ministry of Economic Affairs grants funding in the amount of about EUR 1 million

In the "BiFlow" project, the STAGE76 student residence in Bruchsal is being equipped with an innovative energy storage system that supplies the residents with heat and electricity. (Graphic: artbox, Bruchsal)
(02.12.2020)Decentralized Energy Supply Through Innovative Combined Heat and Power Generation

Field test for a redox flow/lithium-ion battery pair for efficient and long-lasting power and heat supply.

In the CHE Master Ranking 2020, KIT holds top positions in economics engineering and business informatics
(02.12.2020)KIT Top in Industrial Engineering & Management and Information Systems

Current ranking of the Center for University Development (CHE) ranks the two master's programs among the top three in the German-speaking world.

A platinum/palladium precious metal block, the atoms and the deposition of a platinum cluster on cerium oxide, which acts as an efficient catalyst. (Figure: ITCP/KIT)
(01.12.2020)DFG Funds New Collaborative Research Center at KIT

The goal of the research of the collaborative research center "TrackAct" at KIT is a holistic understanding of catalytic processes for emission control.

Das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg fördert digitalisiertes Lernen in der Ausbildung von angehenden Lehrkräften am KIT. (Foto: HoC/ZML, KIT)
(30.11.2020)Funding Successes for Teaching at KIT

Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts funds research project "digiLAB - Digitized Learning in Teacher Training" of KIT.

Ein Beispiel selbstlernender KI: Der universelle, hochmobile Roboter GAMMABOT zur mu ltisensoriellen Umwelterfassung. (Foto: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
(30.11.2020)Artificial Intelligence: Platform Learning Systems Specifies Test Criteria for Certification

KIT Scientists involved in Whitepaper. Trust in AI systems a prerequisite for successful dissemination.

A KIT research team studies how digitized technologies change the working world of medical professionals. (Photo: metamorworks -
(24.11.2020)Digitization: Consequences for the Health Care System

KIT research team investigates the effects of digital technologies on the work of medical professionals. Project funding over three years.

With pyrolysis oil from mixed waste, the partners want to enable the recycling of engineering plastics in automotive engineering. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)
(23.11.2020)KIT and Audi Work on Recycling Method for Automotive Plastics

Closed cycle for plastics from the automotive industry: Waste from engineering plastics is processed into pyrolysis oil that can be used for new components.

Streetcar in the city of Karlsruhe
(20.11.2020)Rolling Lab: KIT and AVG Examine Infrastructure

Measuring streetcar scrutinizes the rails in the subway tunnel. Project provides insights into wear and operational optimization.

Full fire after 70 seconds: The Karlsruhe real fire tests revealed striking safety deficiencies in emergency accommodation. (Picture: FFB, KIT)
(19.11.2020)Fire Prevention: Emergency Acommodation Insufficiently Protected

KIT Test series identifies foam mattresses as a possible source of extreme fire behavior

Even everyday activities such as climbing stairs can have a positive effect on mental well-being. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)
(19.11.2020)Everyday Activities also Increase Well-being

Neurobiological mechanisms analyzed: New findings about the correlation of physical activity and well-being in everyday life.

The shuttles offer space for up to 22 people and can be integrated into the urban traffic flow with their compact dimensions. (Fig.: ZF)
(18.11.2020)RABus Brings Self-propelled Buses onto the Road

New project tests electrified and automated vehicles in regular traffic - KIT investigates acceptance and effects.

Dr. Haghighirad, Prof. Arneth, Prof. Butterbach-Bahl, Prof. Janek, Prof. Passerini, Prof. Puchta, Prof. Stamatakis, Prof. Wegener (from top left to bottom right). (Photos: KIT; Georg Kronenberg; private)
(18.11.2020)"Highly Cited Researchers" from the KIT

This year, eight KIT researchers are among the most frequently cited scientists in the world.

KIT researchers develop requirements and needs for digital examinations across universities. (Photo: Cynthia Ruf, KIT)
(16.11.2020)Digital Tests: Researchers Investigate Potentials

KIT project among the best 100 ideas. Funding by anniversary initiative of the Stifterverband.

Der derzeit im Aufbau befindliche Hochleistungsrechner Karlsruhe, kurz HoreKa. (Foto: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
(13.11.2020)KIT Becomes Center for National High-performance Computing

Millions of Euros in funding for future supercomputers at KIT - Researchers all over Germany can use enormous computing power from Karlsruhe.

Beispiel von 3D-Bilddaten, die mit Biomedisa segmentiert wurden. (Grafik: Thomas van de Kamp, KIT)
(13.11.2020)3D Image Data: Better Analysis through Automation

Team of KIT and partners presents open source platform for segmentation of volume images. Publication in Nature Communications.

Ensuring virus-free air in the waiting area: the aerobuster inventors (from left) Thomas Blank, Horst Hahn, Jochen Kriegseis and Martin Limbach. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT).
(12.11.2020)Aerobuster Chases Flying Corona Viruses

KIT researchers are constructing low-cost and high-performance apparatus that can remove pathogens from ambient air and inactivate them.

According to the KIT research team, the EU is shifts environmental damage due to the high import of agricultural goods. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)
(10.11.2020)Green Deal: Good for Europe - Worse for the Planet

Imports of millions of tons of grain and meat undermine EU agricultural standards - environmental damage is thus outsourced.

Linear accelerator FLUTE at the KIT
(05.11.2020)Better Acceleration with Artificial Intelligence

New project of Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology investigates autonomous particle accelerators.

NMR sample head (left) with miniaturized detector (right). In HiSCORE, such detectors are combined with powerful hyperpolarization to detect the binding of drug compounds.
(05.11.2020)Enormous Acceleration for Drug Research

Processes can run 10 000 times faster - European Research Council funds KIT researchers and partners in the HiSCORE project.

Under the title "The Man-Made", the Colloquium Fundamentale focuses on the role of cultural studies.
(05.11.2020)Lecture Series: Cultural Studies Yesterday and Tomorrow

"The Man-Made": Colloquium Fundamentale at KIT dedicates its winter semester to the discipline of culture research.

Der Forschungsneubau auf dem Campus Nord des KIT
(02.11.2020)Biology Meets Chemistry - New Research Building Opened

Interdisciplinary research on 5,800 square meters at KIT Campus North. The new building was officially opened on October 29, 2020.

(27.10.2020)The World’s Longest Superconducting High-voltage Cable

In Munich, the longest superconducting cable in the world will be realized and used in an economically efficient way. KIT is involved in the project.

(27.10.2020)Facebook Research Award for SECUSO

The research group SECUSO of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology together with the University of Denver wins a research award from Facebook.

Array of microdroplets with different reagents on the synthesis platform of the chemBIOS chip
(26.10.2020)Drug Development: Process Steps Combined on One Chip

New functionalization of glass surfaces enables resource-efficient production, analysis, and biological testing of new active compounds.

Fluorescence microscopic visualization of the blood flow and the endothelial actin cytoskeleton.
(23.10.2020)Specific and Rapid Expansion of Blood Vessels

KIT researchers stimulate specific expansion of endothelial cells in arterioles – Basis for improved treatment of heart attacks and strokes

Weinrebe, die von der Pflanzenkrankheit Esca befallen ist
(21.10.2020)Climate Change: Protection for Cultural Vines and Urban Trees

Research team investigates the resistance of wild vines against fungi and transfers these findings to the protection of trees in urban areas.

Bewölkter Himmel
(21.10.2020)Climate Research: New Video Series on the Impact of the Corona Pandemic

KIT researcher talks about the effects of the crisis on air pollution over China. Significant decrease observed in spring 2020.

Lecture translator at the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics of the KIT
(20.10.2020)AI Outperforms Humans in Speech Recognition

KIT researchers have developed the first speech recognition system worldwide that works better than humans and is quicker than other AIs

From left: Dr. Thomas Rettich (Trumpf), Professor Thomas Hirth, Professor Sven Matthiesen, Professor Holger Hanselka (all KIT), Professor Thomas Schneider und Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Prokop (both Trumpf)
(19.10.2020)Research-oriented Teaching: From the Idea to the Product

New Mechatronics Learning and Application Center for up to 1,000 students per semester is being built. Trumpf company funds project.

(16.10.2020)Metals: New Mechanism for Deformations

Franco-German team discovers a previously unconsidered mechanism of solidification in metals.

(16.10.2020)New Findings on Embryonic Development in Vertebrates

KIT researchers have for the first time investigated the role of the MondoA protein during embryonic development and have demonstrated a close connection between metabolism and developmental processes.

Aerial view of a landscape
(16.10.2020)Artificial Intelligence for Groundwater Protection

Federal Ministry for the Environment funds AI lighthouse project "Nitrate Monitoring 4.0" for the reduction of nitrate in groundwater

Sabine Brünger-Weilandt (FIZ Karlsruhe), Prof. Holger Hanselka (Präsident des KIT), Eva Lübke (NFDI), Prof. York Sure-Vetter (KIT, NFDI) und Dr. Frank Mentrup (OB Karlsruhe) durchschnitten das rote Band zur Eröffnung des NFDI-Direktorats in KA. (Foto:KIT)
(15.10.2020)Securing Long-term Access to Research Data

Opening of the office of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) in Karlsruhe

The humanoid ARMAR robots - here ARMAR-III - are designed to perform tasks in domestic or industrial environments. The next generation will support seniors in their everyday life. (Photo: KIT)
(15.10.2020)Young at Heart with Assistance Robots

KIT develops new generation of customizable humanoid robots for the elderly – Carl Zeiss Foundation funds the project with EUR 4.5 million

Velo-Stress: Mit dem „OpenBikeSensor“ gemessene Situationen, in denen Radfahrer von PKWs mit einem Abstand von weniger als 1,5 Metern überholt worden sind. (Bild: Peter Zeile, KIT)
(14.10.2020)Urban Mobility: Together or Against Each Other

In the new “Cape Reviso” project, researchers of KIT determine how cyclists and pedestrians feel when they meet in traffic

Hans Schipper, Leiter des Süddeutschen Klimabüros, und der Präsentationsglobus OmniGlobe
(12.10.2020)Making Global Climate Correlations Comprehensible

What trends in climate change are emerging and what influences do they have on our daily life? An interactive presentation globe at KIT enables unusual views of our earth.

Symbolbild für Integrität
(08.10.2020)Ethics Guide for Artificial Intelligence

Platform Learning Systems publishes new white paper on developing secure, traceable and non-discriminatory AI applications.

Grain field
(08.10.2020)Global Food Production Threatens the Climate

Use of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture leads to a strong increase in nitrous oxide concentration in the atmosphere - Study in Nature with participation of the KIT.

Effects of biodiversity in grassland were investigated by the Jena Experiment
(08.10.2020)Loss of Species Affects the Basis of Human Life

Jena Experiment: Biodiversity influences the functioning of ecosystems - Results in Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Ausgetrocknetes Flussbett
(07.10.2020)Disaster Management: New Report of CEDIM

KIT’s interdisciplinary institution presents activities from 2017 to 2020, with the spread of Covid-19 being the current topic.

The Kilimanjaro characterizes the landscape of East Africa. The effects of climate change are already clearly felt there.
(06.10.2020)Seasonal Forecasts of Food Supply

EU project CONFER launched - Rainfall forecasts reduce the effects of droughts and floods in East Africa.

KIT scientists identify precision and efficiency of the moves as well as home advantage and market value of the players as important criteria for winning a soccer match.
(05.10.2020)Sports Science: Quality Wins Games

Success factors in soccer: A good defense, precise and efficient moves, and expensive players.

Rush-hour traffic at Nordwestkreuz Frankfurt
(01.10.2020)Reducing Congestion and Pollutant Emissions in Road Traffic

Project funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport to optimize traffic management systems on freeways.

Fotomontage zum Thema Alternative Energien
(30.09.2020)Energy System 2050: Solutions for the Energy Transition

The research initiative of the Helmholtz Association presents strategies, technologies and open source tools.

An international research team with KIT participation investigated the connection between weather conditions and flu waves in the eastern Mediterranean region.
(30.09.2020)Effects of Weather on Waves of Influenza

International research team investigates link between specific weather conditions and influenza. Improved forecast of infection waves possible.

„Selbstbewusste KI“: Der Wissenschaftspodcast nimmt jeden Dienstag einen Aspekt der Frage, ob Künstliche Intelligenz Bewusstsein entwickeln kann, in den Fokus.
(28.09.2020)New Research Podcast "Self-Confident AI"

Experts discuss issues related to the awareness of artificial intelligence

Elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahme des „leeren“ Gerüsts (ohne Hydrogel), mit dessen Hilfe ein internationales Forschungsteam einzelne Zellen deformiert hat.
(24.09.2020)“Stretching Rack” for Cells

An ingenious device, only a few micrometers in size, enables to study the reaction of individual biological cells to mechanical stress

Sevda Abadpour and Axel Diewald from the Institute for High Frequency Technology and Electronics (IHE) of KIT position a chip on a circuit board.
(23.09.2020)Development of Ultra-Compact Radar Sensors for Companies

DFG and FhG fund project to transfer KIT scientific findings to industry

Probenahme von N2O in aufgegebenen Pferchen in der Subsahara-Zone in Afrika (Foto: Dr. Lutz Merbold)
(23.09.2020)Climate Change: Influence of Nitrous Oxide Studied in More Detail

Livestock farming in Africa is a source of the greenhouse gas N2O that has been greatly underestimated to date

Schematische Abbildung eines Edelmetallkatalysators mit inaktiven Einzelatomen (links) und aktiven Clustern (rechts; Edelmetall: weiß; Trägermetall: gelb; Sauerstoff: rot). (Grafik: Florian Maurer, KIT).
(22.09.2020)Noble Metal Clusters Can Make Catalysts More Efficient and Save Resources

Production at Lower Costs Thanks to Optimized Distribution of Atoms - Publication in Nature Catalysis

Holger Hanselka, President of KIT, in an interview on the energy system of the future. (Photo: KIT)
(21.09.2020)Open Source for the Energy System of the Future

The "Energy System 2050" initiative has studied the transformation of the energy system. Holger Hanselka, President of KIT and Coordinator of the initiative, takes stock.

Der erste Prototyp des futuristischen Fahrzeugkonzepts „U-Shift“, bestehend aus Driveboard und Kapsel. (Abbildung: DLR)
(21.09.2020)Innovative Technology for Sustainable Autonomous Driving

Modular "U-Shift" concept enables ever new vehicle variants.

(18.09.2020)Digitization for Earth System Research

The "Digital Earth" project with KIT participation was awarded a special prize for Digital Science at the Digital Leader Award.

(17.09.2020)ONE Support Association for ONE KIT

KIT Sponsoring Association and Friends of the Karlsruhe Research Center join forces.

Bohrung eines Grundwasserbrunnens in der Ca Mau-Provinz
(16.09.2020)Work for Water Quality in South Vietnam

KIT Researchers Contribute to Improving Water Supply in the Mekong Delta.

Auf der Zugspitze beobachten Wissenschaftler des KIT unter anderem die CO2-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre. (Foto: Markus Rettinger, KIT)
(15.09.2020)Lower CO2 Emissions due to Corona Restrictions not yet Visible in the Atmosphere

Effects of the pandemic will only become apparent in the atmosphere at a late stage - Decades of action are needed to achieve the Paris climate targets

Der rechte, mit dem neuartigen Fotolack gedruckte Mikro-Zylinder erscheint weiß, weil in seiner schwammartigen Struktur das Licht gestreut wird, während der aus herkömmlichem Fotolack gedruckte Zylinder transparent erscheint.
(09.09.2020)New Photoresist Enables 3D Printing of the Smallest Porous Structures

Researchers of the Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order expand the possibilities of two-photon microprinting

Future mobile network: Small radio cells (orange) are connected by wireless high-speed terahertz links (green).
(08.09.2020)Terahertz Receiver for 6G Wireless Communications

Concept developed by KIT researchers enables ultra-fast wireless communications at low cost – highest data rate in terahertz transmission so far

An inversion (left) in thale cress (background) can be undone with CRISPR/Cas (center) to reactivate the exchange of genes (right) in the said section.
(04.09.2020)Inheritance in Plants Can Now Be Controlled Specifically

For the first time, KIT researchers use CRISPR/Cas molecular scissors to recombine genes on a chromosome – nature communications publishes results

DNA is irradiated with UV radiation from LEDs to investigate how far the light energy travels in it. (Photo: Arthur Kuhlmann, KIT)
(03.09.2020)DNA Damage Caused by Migrating Light Energy

UV radiation changes DNA even very far away from the point of light entry - Publication in the journal Angewandte Chemie.

Production of electrodes for lithium-ion batteries: The active material is coated as a paste and then dried.
(02.09.2020)Drying Electrodes Faster - Producing Batteries more Economically

The EPIC project coordinated at KIT aims at the energetic, economic, and ecological optimization of production.

KIT researchers have developed a filtration system with smallest carbon particles that can remove hormones from drinking water. (Photo: Sandra Göttisheim, KIT)
(31.08.2020)New Process: Efficient Removal of Steroid Hormones from Water

Improved polymeric activated carbon membrane filtration system eliminates estradiol by more than 99 percent.

Ingrid Schroff, Olaf Dössel and Susanne Schroff at the laying of the foundation stone for the Schroff College.
(28.08.2020)New Residence for Students

Residence of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology e.V. and Schroff Foundations provide accommodation for 103 students.

At KIT, scientists develop new materials and processes for highly efficient perovskite silicon tandem solar cells. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)
(24.08.2020)Photovoltaics: More Energy with Tandem Cells

Research project aims to achieve efficiencies of up to 33 percent with perovskite silicon solar cells.

In view of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 pathogens, the international team also recommends selective wastewater monitoring. (Photo: Harald Horn, KIT)
(24.08.2020)Corona Pandemic: Pathogens in Wastewater

International research team describes possible health risk. Publication in Nature Sustainability.

The free guide summarizes the most important findings and is intended to provide initial assistance to companies. (Photo: Andreas Drollinger, KIT)
(19.08.2020)Electric Mobility: Detecting Potentials

In the Fit4E project, KIT identifies manufacturing competencies of SMEs. Key findings published in a guide.

Construction of the Schroff College will begin at the end of August 2020, which would allow for a move-in date in spring 2022.
(19.08.2020)Schroff Kolleg: New Residence for KIT Students

With funds of the Schroff Foundations, additional housing for 103 KIT students is being built on Hagsfelder Allee.

Flexible production system: More power and accuracy, for example when assembling a bicycle frame. (Photo: KIT)
(17.08.2020)Flexible Production System for Diversity of Variants

KIT engineers and industrial partners work on the economic production of individualized industrial and consumer goods.

Extreme weather events and bark beetles damage the forests. The conversion to mixed forests could make the stand more resilient. (Photo: Gabi Zachmann, KIT)
(13.08.2020)Climate Change: Mixed Forests are More Adaptable than Monocultures

Scientists of KIT and the University of Freiburg investigate the conversion of pure to mixed stocks - beech-fir mixtures with high potential

Possible additional benefits of geothermal energy: The thermal water of the Upper Rhine contains relatively much lithium, which has to be imported so far. (Photo: Florian Freundt,
(12.08.2020)Raw Materials for Energy and Mobility Technologies

Geologists investigate metal enrichment processes in geothermal waters in the Upper Rhine Graben - DFG project investigates potential valuable substances in deep waters

Porous liquids as membranes: This process could save enormous amounts of energy and thus CO2 in the plastics industry. (Photo: Alexander Knebel, KIT)
(11.08.2020)Efficient Gas Separation thanks to Porous Liquids

New material opens up the possibility of saving up to 80 percent energy when separating raw materials for the plastics industry - Publication in Nature Materials

Der baden-württembergische Umweltminister Franz Untersteller war zu Besuch am KIT, um sich unter anderem über die Forschung am Energy Lab 2.0 zu informieren. (Foto: Magali Hauser, KIT)
(10.08.2020)Energy for a Climate-neutral Europe

Federal Environment Minister Untersteller visits KIT.

(10.08.2020)Privacy-friendly Surveillance in Times of the Corona Pandemic

KIT researchers develop system for image-based recognition of masks.

(07.08.2020)Shanghai Ranking: KIT Reaches Top Positions Worldwide

Metallurgy, atmospheric research and energy sciences in position 1 in Germany.

KIT scientists have identified and evaluated trends such as electromobility that could establish by 2035. (Photo: Sandra Goettisheim)
(29.07.2020)Technology Calendar Supports Companies in the Change

Study compares mobility scenarios and helps with strategic decisions.

The research team hopes to use new materials to create safe and durable high-performance cells. (Photo: KIT)
(28.07.2020)Anode Material for Safe and Long-life Batteries

Lithium lanthanum titanate particles enable high power densities even on the micrometer scale.

Regenmessen mit dem Mobilfunknetz: Je mehr Niederschlag fällt, desto schwächer wird das Signal, mit dem die Funkmasten Informationen austauschen. (Foto: Cynthia Ruf, KIT)
(22.07.2020)Rain Measurement with the Mobile Phone Network

Precipitation-induced weakening of the radio connection allows for the generation of rain maps of high temporal resolution.

Auf der Plattform der Helmholtz Energy Computing Initiative (HECI) sind Modellierungswerkzeuge für die Energiesystemoptimierung frei verfügbar (Montage: KIT).
(21.07.2020)Open Source for the Global Energy Transition

The Helmholtz Association’s Energy Computing Initiative supports climate-friendly transformation of energy systems.

Die konsequente Automatisierung sowie der Einsatz von KI beim Planen und Auswerten von Versuchsreihen sollen die Entwicklung neuer Batterien beschleunigen. (Foto: Daniel Messling, KIT)
(17.07.2020)EU Project to Boost Battery Development

The European initiative BATTERY 2030+ launches a novel battery development strategy.

(14.07.2020)Aerosols Influence Solar Power Yield in Europe

Research project investigates how tiny airborne particles change the weather and solar radiation.

(14.07.2020)State Rectors' Conference on the Winter Semester 2020/21

Digital Studies in Baden-Württemberg will continue. The aim is to have as much face-to-face teaching as possible.

The temperature-controlled safety housing developed at KIT and equipped with sensor technology for testing lithium-ion cells under critical conditions (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
(13.07.2020)Improved Test Methods for Battery Systems

KIT and its partners work on new test methods and standards for lithium-ion cells in battery systems.

(13.07.2020)New Architectures for Future Mobility

UNICARagil presents central research results and first prototypes of driverless vehicle concepts.

(13.07.2020)Climate Protection Science Platform on the Corona Economic Stimulus Package

Statement on requirements for the design of economic stimulus packages.

(10.07.2020)Help against Fake Shops

KIT participates in INSPECTION project that is aimed at detecting manipulations of websites and informing persons affected.

Batterieforschung der Zukunft: Stapelmodul des SmartBatteryMaker.
(09.07.2020)KIT Research in Four New Battery Competence Clusters

Cooperation projects on agile production, recycling, utilization concepts and quality assurance.

During a harvest day, there are periods of high as well as relatively low workload - an assistance system is now to help compensate for this (Photo: Claas KGaA mbH)
(08.07.2020)Automated Load Management

KIT researchers develop adaptable human-machine interface for combine harvester.

(06.07.2020)Regional Dialogue on Sustainable Urban Mobility

KIT invites to a discussion on future urban design. The event will take place online as well as in the Reallabor 131.

The new DGX A100 computer systems are high-performance servers with eight NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPUs
(06.07.2020)Superfast AI System Installed at KIT

One of the most powerful AI computer systems in Europe now helps to solve humanity's problems.

(30.06.2020)2020 Schroff Scholarships Awarded to Highly Talented Students

Eleven KIT students received a scholarship from the Gunther Schroff Foundation for Scientific Purposes.

(26.06.2020)Dry Weather in Spring Intensifies Drought in Summer

International collaboration studies causes of drought. Land management to counteract heat waves.

Cyanobacteria as ethanol or hydrogen producers - natural gene transfer might help make this possible (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
(25.06.2020)Synthesis of Raw Materials by Gene Transfer

Cyanobacterium  can be used for fundamental research and biotechnical applications

Using an ocean floor seismometer, the researchers recorded the seismic signals in the Caribbean. (Photo: Andreas Rietbrock, KIT)
(25.06.2020)Plate Tectonics: How Water Causes Earthquakes and Volcanism

International research team studied relationships in the Lesser Antilles. Publication in Nature

(24.06.2020)Leadership and Social Interaction in Digital Teams

In the "teamIn" project, a scientifically founded and industrially tested model for digital working is being developed.

An e-learning module for training employees is part of the COVID-READY offer. ( Image: Hotel Resilient)
(22.06.2020)COVID-READY Supports Hotels during and after the Pandemic

Spin-off from KIT supports with its free offer and provides software and certification for hygiene and protection measures.

Due to the Corona Pandemic, the winter semester at KIT starts on November 2, 2020
(19.06.2020)Corona Virus: Winter Semester to Start Later

KIT plans adapted lecture times and examination phases. 2020/21 winter semester will start on November 02, 2020.

(16.06.2020)Top in Research and Knowledge Transfer

KIT is successful in the international U-Multirank and QS rankings.

Holger Hanselka, Präsident des KIT, im Interview zur Nationalen Wasserstoffstrategie
(15.06.2020)National Hydrogen Strategy

President Holger Hanselka in an interview about the role of hydrogen in the future energy system.

At the beginning of the 20th century bisons were almost extinct. In 2013, species conservationists have again settled a herd in the Rothaargebirge. (Photo: Timo Deible, Karlsruhe Zoo)
(12.06.2020)A Maximum of 20 per Year: A Clear Target for Species Protection

Scientists demand target to lower extinction rates, comparable to the principle used in climate protection.

(12.06.2020)High-tech Forum: Innovation Policy after the Corona Crisis

Forum outlines seven guidelines for new growth.

Open or not? The senders of phishing mails often pretend to be well-known service providers or colleagues. (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
(09.06.2020)Phishing Campaigns and Their Pitfalls

Researchers analyze the effect of fake phishing mails to sensitize employees

With the help of augmented reality glasses, the digital assistant understands what the wearer sees. This enables machine and human to communicate in real time. (Photo: Tanja Meißner, KIT)
(08.06.2020)AI Supports Assembly

Digital assembly assistant enables contactless human/machine cooperation.

Der Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio ELASTO-Q-MAT befasst sich mit Quantenmaterialien, deren Eigenschaften sich durch elastische Verformung entscheidend verändern lassen.
(05.06.2020)New Quantum Materials

Interactions between mechanical and electronic properties offer significant application potential.

Modelle sollen vorhersagen, wie sich ein Feuer im Wald unter den vorhandenen Bedingungen ausbreitet. (Foto: Gabi Zachmann, KIT)
(04.06.2020)Better Prepared for Forest Fires

Research project contributes to understanding the dynamics of forest fires and reducing the risk.

(03.06.2020)Kavli Prize for Pioneers of Electron Microscopy

Maximilian Haider, Harald Rose, Knut Urban and Ondrej Krivanek are awarded the Kavli Prize 2020

The reproduction rate R indicates how many people are infected by a person infected with corona on average. KIT researchers now want to estimate the number more accurately. (Photo: Lydia Albrecht, KIT)
(02.06.2020)Corona Virus: Reproduction Number Estimated More Precisely

KIT researchers develop a new method using a seven-day acausal filter to determine the R number.

When surfing the Internet, companies not only collect data on websites visited, but also on the time of visit or location information. (Picture: Amadeus Bramsiepe, Markus Breig, KIT)
(29.05.2020)Privacy in Website Tracking

Computer scientists of KIT and TU Dresden investigate how well generalization of tracking data hides traces on the internet.

(29.05.2020)KIT Involved in New CRC/Transregio

The German Research Foundation is establishing ten new Collaborative Research Centers. KIT is involved in one of them.

The Schwarzwaldhalle of the Messe Karlsruhe offers space for up to 249 examinees at the same time while maintaining the safety distance (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)
(28.05.2020)Written Exams Take Place at KIT again

Collaboration with Messe Karlsruhe enables large groups of students resume postponed on-campus examinations.

(27.05.2020)Security in Email Traffic

KIT’s SECUSO research group has updated its add-on called TORPEDO. It helps detect fraudulent messages relating to SARS-CoV-2.

Die Messflugzeuge HALO und Falcon auf dem Rollfeld (Foto: DLR)
(27.05.2020)Pollutant Concentration during the Corona Pandemic

The BLUESKY project studies the effects of social and economic lockdown on the atmosphere.

The technology of the KIT start-up helps farmers with artificial intelligence to make the right decisions - whether in irrigation, fertilization, or plant protection (installation: Dominic Hohlbaum).
(26.05.2020)Using AI to Save Water in Agriculture

The “Waterfox” smartphone app of KIT’s startup helps farmers irrigate their fields more efficiently.

n the model plant Arabidopsis, chromosomes were reassembled for the first time with the help of the protein Cas9. (Figure: Angelina Schindele, KIT)
(25.05.2020)New Technology for Genome Modification

CRISPR/Cas revolutionizes plant breeding through targeted combination of traits.

Using an experimental tank, KIT scientists have investigated the effects of different environmental conditions on textile membrane storage systems. (Photo: Rosemarie Wagner, KIT)
(20.05.2020)New Solutions for Fabric Biogas Storage Systems

KIT researchers used a test plant to study how fabric biogas holders can be improved.

(19.05.2020)How Efficiently Do Photovoltaic Storage Systems Work?

Project "Testbench" improves quality of measurement results and facilitates comparison.

ethics label
(15.05.2020)Ethics Label for AI Technologies

The ethics label is visually similar to the energy efficiency label for electronic devices.

As of 2021, the Karlsruhe supercomputer (HoreKa) will be used to understand highly complex systems in many research areas. (Graphics: SCC/KIT)
(14.05.2020)KIT Procures New Supercomputer

“HoreKa” Hybrid System Expected to Be Among Ten Most Powerful Computers in Europe in 2021

A system developed at KIT checks the wear on machine tools fully automatically - and thus reduces downtimes. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT).
(14.05.2020)New Research Field at the KIT

Sustainable production: Enabling closed-loop recycling management systems in production processes.

The bacteria (green) are embedded in a composite material of carbon nanotubes (grey) and silica nanoparticles (purple) interwoven with DNA (blue). (Graphic: Niemeyer-Lab, KIT)
(13.05.2020)Bacteria as Power Suppliers

Programmable, biohybrid material system uses bacteria to generate electricity.

(12.05.2020)New Molecules for High-tech Materials

German Research Foundation funds work on sandwich complexes of Peter Roesky with a Reinhart Koselleck project.

Armin Grunwald
(12.05.2020)Grunwald in the Chair of the NBG

The members of the National Advisory Board (NBG) elected Armin Grunwald as the new Co-Chairman.

KIT and FZI scientists propose a privacy friendly app for digital tracking of possible infection chains. (Photo: Irina Westermann, KIT)
(07.05.2020)Privacy Friendly Corona Tracing App

KIT and FZI develop suggestion for a compromise of centralized and decentralized solution for more privacy.

(04.05.2020)Agile Production System for Electric Motors

Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics to fund KIT research project with about one million euros.

Using knowledge about biological systems to work ecologically: This is the basic idea of the bio-economy. (Photo: Gabi Zachmann, KIT)
(29.04.2020)Live Stream: Lecture Series on Bioeconomy

Colloquium Fundamentale focuses on challenges associated with sustainable, organic business management.

(28.04.2020)Data Protection for Corona Tracing Apps

Professor Thorsten Strufe and his team compared and investigated centralized and decentralized approaches.

(27.04.2020)KIT Remains Popular among HR Managers

KIT graduates continue to be highly valued by HR managers of medium-sized and large German companies.

KARA Labor
(23.04.2020)KARA Supports Corona Research

The Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA) is another infrastructure facility of KIT that conducts Corona-related research.

(21.04.2020)5G Test Environment in Karlsruhe

Focus on networked industry - research project addresses small and medium-sized enterprises.

Symboldbild: Stilisiertes Corona-Virus
(20.04.2020)Corona Pandemic: Research and Support Activities at KIT

KIT supports efforts to manage the Corona crisis by research and material contributions and scientific and technical services.

With its essential oils, mint keeps weeds at bay - the menthone it contains could be the basis for environmentally friendly bio-herbicides. (Photo: Jana Müller)
(15.04.2020)Mint Scent Inhibits the Growth of Weeds

New approach to sustainable weed control based on studies of biological communication between plants.

The production of a visor by 3D printing takes about three hours per piece. (Photo: wbk, KIT)
(14.04.2020)KIT Supports Hospitals in Karlsruhe with Protective Equipment

Corona aid: Masks and face shields are delivered to the municipal hospital and ViDia clinics, for example.

The particle accelerator experiment Belle II is on the search for the origins of the universe. (Photo: Felix Metzner, KIT)
(14.04.2020)In Search of the Z‘ Boson

KIT scientists are involved in the Belle II accelerator experiment, which has now published first results.

(14.04.2020)State Funds "Virtual Collaboration Laboratories" at KIT

Ministry of Science funds research into virtual- and augmented-reality learning and teaching concepts at universities.

In the BATTERY 2030+ project, robots are to work around the clock on new batteries and independently plan and evaluate new experiments with AI. (Photo: Daniel Messling, KIT)
(09.04.2020)Roadmap for Battery Research in Europe

The European research initiative BATTERY 2030+ presents its objectives - CELEST research platform involved.

Thanks to a tracking system, it is possible to trace routes and thus locate people better. (Photo: Robert Fuge, KIT)
(08.04.2020)Locating Rescue Teams in Emergency Situation

KIT researchers develop technology to locate injured or buried action forces - without GPS.

A KIT expert team works intensely to prepare the online teaching. (Photo: Magali Hauser, KIT)
(07.04.2020)Summer Semester Starts Online

The study courses at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology will start on April 20, 2020 with digital-only offerings.

(01.04.2020)University Funding Agreement Signed

President Holger Hanselka: “We can now plan reliably for the next years.“

(01.04.2020)High-tech Forum: Ways to the Agile State

The Forum demands a general cultural change in public administration.

Peter Sanders (photo: Heidi Offterdinger, KIT)
(31.03.2020)Scalable Algorithms for Numerous Applications

The European Research Council has awarded an Advanced Grant to Peter Sanders‘ “ScAlBox“ project.

(30.03.2020)Working during the Pandemic

A compact handout helps companies that have to send their staff home to work from there.

Nach dem Vorbild des weißen Käfers Cyphochilus insulanus erzeugt ein nanostrukturierter Polymerfilm eine strahlend weiße Beschichtung. (Foto: Julia Syurik, KIT)
(30.03.2020)New Materials

Nanostructured polymer film achieves white appearance without the use of environmentally harmful titanium oxide - beetle armour as a model.

(27.03.2020)Corona Pandemic: Effects of the Crisis

Armin Grunwald, expert for technology assessment, on the social and technical effects of the crisis.

(25.03.2020)Geothermal Energy - Element for the Energy Turnaround

The Baden-Württemberg government wants to push the development of deep geothermal energy.

In der integrierten Versuchsanlage soll ein neuer Prozess zur Reduktion von CO2 in der Atmosphäre erprobt werden. (Foto: Moritz Leg)
(25.03.2020)From Greenhouse Gas to High-tech Raw Material

At KIT, a pilot plant will be built for the conversion of CO2 from ambient air into solid carbon.

Currently, Risklayer counts 32,024 cases of corona infections in Germany (as of March 24, 2020). (Picture: James Daniell, KIT/Risklayer)
(24.03.2020)Data Analysis: Spread of the Corona Virus

KIT and Risklayer collect current data on the development of the corona pandemic.

(23.03.2020)Start of Construction for the InformatiKOM

Klaus Tschira foundation to erect two institute buildings for Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Researchers cultivate plant cells in biochips to investigate the effect of different signalling substances on the cells. (Photo: Alexandra Wolf, KIT)
(17.03.2020)Plant Protection without Poison

A transnational network coordinated by KIT investigates chemical signals between pathogens and plants.

Key Visual mit Aufschrift: Händeschütteln? Lieber ein Lächeln schenken.
(12.03.2020)Corona Virus / Covid-19: Events at KIT Canceled

According to a decree of the State of Baden-Württemberg, no public meetings, conferences, or other gatherings and events are to take place until June 15, 2020 for the time being.

The experimental set-up: Aleppo pines were exposed to rising temperatures in highly technical plant chambers. (Photo: Plant Ecophysiology Lab, KIT)
(05.03.2020)Greenhouse Gas-induced Climate Change

Under extreme heat and drought, trees hardly benefit from an increased CO2 level.

(05.03.2020)Security and Privacy in Email Traffic

KIT computer scientist receives the “Google Faculty Research Award” for her research into link-centered phishing alerts for online email customers.

Key Visual Coronavirus
(04.03.2020)Questions and Answers Relating to the Corona Virus

Updated FAQ: Organization of Written Examinations in the 2020 Summer Semester / Face-to-face Meetings and other Gatherings (As of July 14, 2020).

(04.03.2020)In Nine Subjects, KIT Is among the Top 100 in the World

QS World University Rankings by Subject 2020 – KIT ranks high in natural and engineering sciences.

York Sure-Vetter (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
(02.03.2020)York Sure-Vetter of KIT Is Appointed Director of the NFDI

FIZ Karlsruhe and KIT are to establish the Directorate of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI).

Automated identification and inventory of energy systems using the example of photovoltaic systems. (Illustration:  Google Maps/greenventory)
(24.02.2020)Data for Optimized Energy Systems

greenventory startup offers data and software for utilities, grid operators, cities, and municipalities.

Professor Fernando Puente León, Professor Hasso Plattner und Professor Holger Hanselka at the award ceremony (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)
(17.02.2020)Hasso Plattner Receives Honorary Doctorate

The entrepreneur, donor, and patron visited the KIT for the ceremonial presentation of the certificate.

The AgiloBat research project develops a production system for the battery cell of the future: dynamic and flexibly adaptable to different shapes. (Graphic: wbk, KIT)
(17.02.2020)Flexible Manufacture of Battery Cells

Within the AgiloBat research project, KIT and partners work on future battery production in Germany.

The demonstration plant in Troia, Italy, combines a novel micro-reactor for methanation with an innovative liquefaction plant. The required CO2 is extracted from the ambient air (Photo: Domenico Grossi)
(11.02.2020)Innovative Power-to-Gas Technologies

Various processes for the production of synthetic natural gas from renewable electricity developed in the STORE&GO project.

Wolfgang Wernsdorfer (Foto, KIT)
(04.02.2020)Science Award of the Hector Foundation Goes to KIT Physicist

Wolfgang Wernsdorfer receives 150 000 Euros in prize money for his contributions to quantum computing.

Demonstration of the system developed at KIT for fully automatic wear control of ball screws using artificial intelligence. (Photo: KIT)
(03.02.2020)Using Artificial Intelligence to Service Machine Tools

Wear of ball screws can be monitored and evaluated by a KIT-developed intelligent system.

Dorothea Wagner (Foto: KIT)
(03.02.2020)Dorothea Wagner Is New Chairwoman of the Council of Science and Humanities

KIT computer scientist elected as head of Germany's most important research policy advisory board

Sport improves health. Excessive and compulsive exercise can, in extreme cases, lead to "sports addiction" - and can make people ill. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)
(30.01.2020)Excessive Exercise in Eating Disorders

Psychological mechanisms revealed: Results provide important implications for prevention and therapy.

(29.01.2020)Corona Virus: Latest Recommendations

In line with the current situation, the KIT Medical Services are continuously updating information on the Corona virus.

The metamaterial printed with the new system consists of a complex three-dimensional grid structure on a micrometer scale. (Photo: Vincent Hahn, KIT)
(28.01.2020)Fastest High-precision 3D Printer

New 3D system prints structures of submicrometer precision at record speed.

Whether studies or training: At the Girlsʼ Day, KIT will provide information on career perspectives in the MINT subjects. (Photo: Magali Hauser, KIT)
(27.01.2020)Girls' Day 2020: Studies and Training at KIT

Information day for girls from grades five and higher with workshops, guided tours, and lectures – register now!

Tomorrow’s energy suppliers: Microalgae under the microscope. (Photo by: Markus Breig, KIT)
(23.01.2020)Science Year 2020 - Bioeconomy

KIT researchers work on new technologies to establish renewable resources as an alternative to fossil fuels.

Vision of a sustainable energy system with wind turbines, solar collectors, a grid storage and a hydrogen bus (Photomontage: Pascal Armbruster, KIT).
(22.01.2020)ENERGIE – Wende. Wandel. Wissen.

New event series of KIT provides information on the energy transition and energy research.

Wie sich gerade Städte auf extreme Wettersituationen vorbereiten können, ist eines der Themen bei der Veranstaltung im Karlsruher Rathaus. (Foto: Gabi Zachmann, KIT)
(21.01.2020)KIT at the City Hall: Cities and Weather Extremes

The KIT Climate and Environment Center will present its research.

Ethical standards in the textile industry such as environmentally friendly materials and fair working conditions are important to buyers - but often not as important as they themselves think - this is shown in a KIT study (Photo: Riccardo Prevete, KIT)
(16.01.2020)A Little Good Is Good Enough: Excuses for Consumption

KIT study shows that individual ethical improvements are sufficient to justify immoral behavior.

The Innovation Campus "Mobility of the Future" aims to provide a clearer picture of the innovations required for the mobility of the day after tomorrow. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)
(13.01.2020)Production Technology for Sustainable Mobility

At the innovation  campus “Future Mobility,” KIT and Stuttgart University develop ideas and business models.
