Events Calendar


"Impact of kilometer-scale grid resolutions on Weather and climate modeling: the example of mineral dust" - KCDS Talk - May 2024

Tuesday, 28 May 2024, 16:00-17:00
Hybrid: TRIANGEL Studio @Kronenplatz and Zoom

Zoom Link

The KIT Graduate School Computational and Data Science (KCDS) at KIT Center MathSEE proudly presents: KCDS Talks, a monthly series of short lectures from basic knowledge to trending topics in computational and data science.


In May, Dr. Martina Klose (Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Department Troposphere Research at KIT) joins us for a talk entitled "Impact of kilometer-scale grid resolutions on Weather and climate modeling: the example of mineral dust". 



The contribution of aerosols to the Earth’s changing energy budget is still subject to considerable uncertainty, not least due to limited process-level understanding. Mineral dust from dry soils is the dominant aerosol type in terms of global mass and it is also amongst the most important substrates for cloud formation through heterogeneous ice nucleation. Dust therefore has important impacts on climate, but also on air quality and health, road and air traffic, economy, and not least photovoltaic power output in many areas of the world including Europe. Dust emission is a threshold process that depends non-linearly upon surface wind intensity, which means that the accuracy at which models represent surface winds is key to estimate dust emissions. In this talk, I will present how new global storm-resolving models at single-digit kilometer grid resolutions offer unprecedented insights into the contribution of smaller-scale, but intense wind systems and related dust storms, which cannot be represented at coarser model resolutions.


If you are a master student, a doctoral researcher or a senior researcher or just interested in the topic - join us!


(for free and without registration)


Photo of Martina Klose © Amadeus Bramsiepe

Dr. Martina Klose

Angela Hühnerfuß
KIT Graduate School Computational and Data Science (KCDS)
KIT-Center MathSEE
Mail: kcds does-not-exist.kit edu