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Urban Research Series: Towards a better understanding of conflicts and trade-offs in urban sustainability transformation – what they are about and what we can learn from them

Urban Research Series: Towards a better understanding of conflicts and trade-offs in urban sustainability transformation – what they are about and what we can learn from them

21. November 2024 15:30 - 17:00ITAS, Karlstraße 11, 76133 Karlsruhe und online
Wenn Sie online am Vortrag teilnehmen möchten, kontaktieren Sie bitte meike.hebich@kit.edu. 
Abstract The presentation will address conflicts and trade-offs as catalyst, consequence and outcome of urban sustainability transformation. The discussion will highlight the underlying causes of conflicts and trade-offs by looking at their emergence, the consequences of their occurrence, the manner in which they are (or are not) addressed and the insights that can be gained from them for a more comprehensive and sophisticated understanding of transformation and a more effective approach to its realisation and implementation. The conceptual framework of the talk will examine the interconnections between urban transformation research and social conflict analysis, illustrating the potential for cross-fertilization. The presentation will include case studies from a number of empirical projects which address a variety of urban policy fields, including green space development, green gentrification and environmental injustices, local mobility transformation and urban land use conflicts. 
Dr. Annegret Haase is an urban sociologist working at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ in Leipzig, Germany, at the Dept. of Urban and Environmental Sociology. Her main research foci are urban transformation within the context of crisis and conflict, socio-spatial and socio-environmental processes in cities, urban inequalities and justice issues, urban diversity, local governance and participation.
About Urban Research Series at ITAS Organized by: Georgia Alexandri, Tim Fraske, Claudia Schreider, Ulrich Ufer
Urban research and technology assessment intersect in studying the complex interactions between technology, society, and the built environment. In the Urban Research Series at ITAS we aim to stimulate knowledge transfer across disciplines and foster networking to contribute to sustainable, equitable, and resilient cities of the future.
Dr. Annegret Haase, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ in Leipzig

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