Since 2008, the KIT Energy Center has combined basic and applied research in natural, economic and social sciences, as well as in humanities and the legal field into a holistic approach to the entire energy cycle. As a dialog and strategy platform, it has bundled knowledge and expertise on energy research at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for the past ten years. With around 1,500 employees, it has now grown into one of the largest energy research centers in Europe. The KIT Energy Center is celebrating its anniversary at its annual conference on June 26, 2018 from 9 am in the auditorium of the Training Center for Technology and Environment at KIT Campus North. Media representatives are welcome to attend (please register using the en-closed form or by e-mail).
“Supplying the more than seven billion people in the world with energy – that’s an enormous task that politics, science and society have to face together. Energy supply is inextricably linked with working on solutions for future mobility and information infrastructures,” says KIT President Professor Holger Hanselka. “KIT makes significant contributions to these major societal challenges. In the KIT Energy Center alone, 1,500 people across all disciplines are working on solutions for a variety of questions: How can we store and transport energy? How is it distributed to the grids? How does communication between producers and consumers work and which new business models fit the demanding tasks, not forgetting data protection?”
To gain a holistic view of the energy cycle and also to be able to include social aspects, KIT set up the KIT Energy Center ten years ago, in which expertise from natural sciences, engineering, economics, humanities, social sciences and the legal field all come together. This means that energy research at KIT takes into account all the approaches to reliable energy supply, with the development of an overall concept for the energy mix of the future being the central element. “In celebrating this first milestone birthday of the KIT Energy Center, we can certainly look back with pride at what we have achieved. That’s not a reason to rest on our laurels though, but rather our motivation and incentive to continue to work on answers to urgent social questions,” says Hanselka.
With Energy Lab 2.0 at KIT, for the first time an intelligent and net-worked test platform has been created for energy transformation, power generator storage and consumers. Together with the German Aerospace Center and the Jülich Research Center, KIT is examining the interplay of centralized and decentralized energy supply. Working with six further Helmholtz centers, as part of the “energy system integration” project KIT is also developing tailormade models for energy systems of the future, contributing to the success of energy transformation.
Annual conference on June 26, 2018
At the conference, there will be a look-back at the last ten years of energy research at KIT. In scientific presentations on current research projects, KIT will also be looking to the future. Another highlight of this year's event is the presentation of the Heinrich Hertz Award by the Energie Baden-Württemberg (EnBW) Foundation for outstanding scientific or technical achievements in the field of production, distribution and use of electrical energy. The program is rounded off by an accompanying poster exhibition including a competition.
Media representatives are welcome to attend. Please register using the enclosed form or by e-mail to presse ∂does-not-exist.kit edu. Please specify if you will attend all day, in the morning (until 12.15 pm) or in the afternoon (starting at 1.30 pm).
Program of the “10 years of KIT Energy Center” conference
June 26, 2018, from 9 am, auditorium of the Training Center for Tech-nology and Environment, KIT Campus North, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
09.00 am Welcome
Prof. Thomas Schulenberg, scientific spokesman for the KIT Energy Center
09.15 am Welcome speech
Prof. Holger Hanselka, President of KIT
09.30 am Welcome speech partners
09.50 am How it all began ... 10 years of KIT Energy Center
Prof. Hans-Jörg Bauer, scientific spokesman for the KIT Energy Center from 2008 to 2014
10.05 am Current developments at the KIT Energy Center
Prof. Thomas Schulenberg, scientific spokesman for the KIT Energy Center
10.20 am Coffee break
10.50 am EdF's energy research in the European energy transition
Jaques Sacreste, Electricité de France Service National (EdF)
11.20 am Decarbonization of the energy system through increased use of renewable electricity in the heating, transportation and industrial sectors
Dr Dogan Keles, Institute for Industrial Production of KIT
11.40 am Development of novel high-performance materials for batteries
Prof. Maximilian Fichtner, Helmholtz Institute Ulm of KIT
12.00 pm Diamond – an indispensable material for microwave heating of a fusion reactor
Prof. Theo Scherer, Institute for Applied Materials – Applied Materials Physics of KIT
12.20 pm Lunch
1.40 pm Presentation of the Heinrich Hertz Award
by Prof. Wolfram Münch, Head of Research and Innovation of EnBW
2.00 pm Speeches by the Heinrich Hertz Award winners
2.40 pm KIT – The Energy Campus
Prof. Ute Karl, European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER) at KIT
3.00 pm JRODOS – Decision support in the event of a nuclear accident
Wolfgang Raskob, Institute for Nuclear and Energy Technologies of KIT
3.20 pm Poster exhibition with coffee break
4.30 pm Presentation of the EnBW Poster Award
Prof. Wolfram Münch – Head of Research and Innovation of EnBW
4.40 pm Power-to-SNG with high efficiency: the HELMETH project
Dr. Stefan Harth, Engler-Bunte-Institute of KIT
5.00 pm Fuels with a closed carbon cycle for the mobility of tomorrow
Prof. Nikolaus Dahmen, Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology of KIT
5.20 pm Closing remarks
Dr. Wolfgang Breh, Managing Director of the KIT Energy Center
More about the KIT Energy Center:
Being “The Research University in the Helmholtz Association”, KIT creates and imparts knowledge for the society and the environment. It is the objective to make significant contributions to the global challenges in the fields of energy, mobility, and information. For this, about 10,000 employees cooperate in a broad range of disciplines in natural sciences, engineering sciences, economics, and the humanities and social sciences. KIT prepares its 22,800 students for responsible tasks in society, industry, and science by offering research-based study programs. Innovation efforts at KIT build a bridge between important scientific findings and their application for the benefit of society, economic prosperity, and the preservation of our natural basis of life. KIT is one of the German universities of excellence.