Division V - Physics and Mathematics

Division 5 comprises research, teaching, and innovation in Physics and Mathematics. Research is carried out at 21 institutes and 3 Helmholtz programmes „From Matter to Materials and Life (MML)“, „Matter and Technology (MT)“ and „Matter and the Universe (MU)“.
Research topics are Geometry, Groups and Topology, Partial Differential Equations, Stochastic Models as well as Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Solid State and Quantum Physics, Applied Physics, and Geophysics, with intensive collaboration between experiment and theory.

Research oriented teaching at the KIT Departments for Mathematics und Physics is an essential part of the teaching at almost all study courses at KIT.

The scientists of Division 5 are engaged in numerous national and international projects and research collaborations and operate the large research infrastructures GridKa, KARA, KATRIN and TLK.

Head of Division

Prof. Dr. Marc Weber
Tel. +49 721 608 28220

Contact the Division Office

From structures to models - from quanta to the universe

Battery Research with Synchrotron Radiation at KARA

New measuring instrument for operando battery research with KIT Light Source at KARA.

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Steffen GrohmannAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
ERC Advanced Grant for Steffen Grohmann from KIT

Refrigeration and cryogenics expert Professor Steffen Grohmann from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) receives an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC funds Grohmann’s project GRAVITHELIUM on the development of a key technology for the Einstein Telescope (ET) – the proposed next-generation European gravitational-wave detector. GRAVITHELIUM aims to push the sensitivity of cryogenic laser interferometers to fundamental limits using superfluid helium. This technology is expected to solve a central challenge in observing gravitational waves of the entire universe with ET.  

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Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society at KIT

Neutrinos, Higgs bosons, quarks, and others: This year’s Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG) will focus on elementary particles. From March 4 to 8, 2024, more than thousand physicists from all over Germany will meet at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The DPG working groups Equal Opportunities and Young DPG will also be involved in the program. Teachers are invited to attend free of charge. A special highlight of this year’s meeting will be a ceremonial session to honor particle physicist Professor Herwig Schopper on the occasion of his 100th birthday.

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Gebäude MathematikKIT
Clusters of Excellence: KIT Is in the Final Round with One New Initiative and Two Renewal Proposals

With one new full proposal, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) will go into the final of the “Clusters of Excellence” funding line of the Excellence Strategy Competition launched by the federal and state governments. KIT’s sketch of a chemical platform for highly precise quantum architectures convinced the international expert jury. The results of the first selection round were announced by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Council of Science and Humanities (WR) this morning (February 2, 2024). In addition, KIT and its partners will submit renewal proposals for the two existing Clusters of Excellence on 3D designer materials and battery research. 

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PersonengruppeKatharina Henjes-Kunst
The future of astroparticle physics in Europe

The mid-term update of the European Strategy for Astroparticle Physics 2017-2026 has been successfully completed by the European Astroparticle Physics Consortium (APPEC) and approved by the General Assembly. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is involved in many of the ongoing and planned experiments.

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Portrait MannElia Fioravanti
Elia Fioravanti erhält Emmy Noether-Förderung

Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) hat im Zeitraum vom 1. Januar bis 31. März 2023 14 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler neu in das Emmy Noether-Programm und 15 neu in das Heisenberg-Programm aufgenommen.

Quantenmaterialien: Supraleiter läuft unter Druck zur Hochform auf

Publikation in Science: Quantenmechanische Anregungen der Elektronen in Strontiumruthanat erhöhen Supraleitung und erleichtern Verformung

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MannAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
Quantum technologies: A deep look into dark matter

Wolfgang Wernsdorfer receives ERC Synergy Grant - Six-year international project DarkQuantum uses quantum technologies to prove the existence of axions

Blonde FrauKIT
KIT involved in the European Quantum Center

Professor Anja Metelmann conducts cross-border research with her bridging professorship on quantum computing in Karlsruhe and Strasbourg.

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Computer FestplatteKIT
Quantum computing: scalable electronics developed

Two young scientists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed patented systems for enormously increased data selection

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PersonengruppeWolfgang Reichel
Great success for CRC 1173 “wave phenomena”

On May 17th, 2023, DFG approved its third funding period. In the coming 4 years more than 100 researchers at KIT and Universities of Bonn, Stuttgart, Tübingen and Vienna will continue to investigate the fascinating mathematics of wave phenomena in cooperation with partners from physics, electrical engineering, geophysics, and biomedical engineering.

Die Eigenschaften von Gralmonium-Qubits werden durch eine winzige Engstelle von nur 20 Nanometern dominiert, die wie eine Lupe für mikroskopische Materialdefekte wirkt.
More Stable States for Quantum Computers

Researchers of KIT are working on a new qubit approach - publication in Nature Materials

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Rare Earth Compounds for High-tech Applications
Rare Earth Compounds for High-tech Applications

New Collaborative Research Center "4f for Future" explores and develops molecular compounds with extraordinary properties

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Anke-Susanne Müller wins State Research Prize

For her groundbreaking research in the field of accelerator physics, Prof. Anke-Susanne Müller, director of the Institute for Beam Physics and Technology, receives this year's 100.000 Euro Research Prize of the State of Baden-Württemberg in the category basic research.

Nobel Laureate Reinhard Genzel Receives Heinrich Hertz Guest ProfessorshipMax-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik
Nobel Laureate Reinhard Genzel Receives Heinrich Hertz Guest Professorship

Director of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching near Munich to give public lecture at KIT on October 5

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