Blonde FrauKIT involved in the European Quantum Center

Professor Anja Metelmann conducts cross-border research with her bridging professorship on quantum computing in Karlsruhe and Strasbourg.

Mehr erfahren20.10.2023
Thulium is a rare earth metal. The new CRC focuses on the chemistry and physical properties of rare earth compounds. (Photo: Peter Roesky, KIT) Rare Earth Compounds for High-tech Applications

New Collaborative Research Center CRC 1573 “4f for Future” Focuses on Molecular Compounds with Extraordinary Properties.

FrauAnke-Susanne Müller wins State Research Prize

For her groundbreaking research in the field of accelerator physics, Prof. Anke-Susanne Müller, director of the Institute for Beam Physics and Technology, receives this year's 100.000 Euro Research Prize of the State of Baden-Württemberg in the category basic research.

Using an ocean floor seismometer, the researchers recorded the seismic signals in the Caribbean. (Photo: Andreas Rietbrock, KIT)Plate Tectonics: How Water Causes Earthquakes and Volcanism

International research team studied relationships in the Lesser Antilles. Publication in Nature

Der Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio ELASTO-Q-MAT befasst sich mit Quantenmaterialien, deren Eigenschaften sich durch elastische Verformung entscheidend verändern lassen. New Quantum Materials

Interactions between mechanical and electronic properties offer significant application potential.

PreisträgerKavli Prize for Pioneers of Electron Microscopy

Maximilian Haider, Harald Rose, Knut Urban and Ondrej Krivanek are awarded the Kavli Prize 2020

PreisträgerFrank Sacherer Prize goes to KIT

Johannes Steinmann receives the international EPS-AG/IPAC Frank Sacherer Prize for research in the context of his doctoral thesis at IBPT. 

KARA LaborKARA Supports Corona Research

The Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA) is another infrastructure facility of KIT that conducts Corona-related research.

The particle accelerator experiment Belle II is on the search for the origins of the universe. (Photo: Felix Metzner, KIT)In Search of the Z‘ Boson

KIT scientists are involved in the Belle II accelerator experiment, which has now published first results.

Französischer BotschaftsratFrench Embassy Counsellor visits KIT

On March 5, 2020, Mr. Pascal Revel, Counsellor for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in Germany, and Mr. Hervé Martin, University Tutor for Cooperation in Science in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, visited KIT for the first time.

Wolfgang Wernsdorfer (Foto, KIT)Science Award of the Hector Foundation Goes to KIT Physicist

Wolfgang Wernsdorfer receives 150 000 Euros in prize money for his contributions to quantum computing.

The fluorescence detector building Los Morados (Photo: Steven Saffi / Pierre Auger Collaboration)20 Years Pierre Auger Observatory

Argentinean Senate acknowledges the search for ultra-high-energy cosmic rays.

Dr. Kathrin Valerius is an astroparticle physicist and heads a junior research group at KIT's Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment "KATRIN". (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)KIT Physicist Ranked in the "Top 40 under 40"

Capital business magazine ranks Kathrin Valerius among the “Young Elite 2019” in the category of “Science and Society.”

DAHZ Kick-offKick-Off for new German-Argentinian double degrees

A kick-off meeting for new double degrees took place at KIT Mid of October. KIT now has three German-Argentinian double degrees, including a Double Doctoral degree in Astrophysics (DDAp).

Overview of the KATRIN setup (Fig.: Steffen Lichter, KIT) New Limit of the Neutrino Mass

The KATRIN Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment limits the mass of neutrinos to less than 1 eV.

Katharina E. Schratz acquired a ERC Starting Grant and develops methods around non-linear partial differential equations. (Photo: Magali Hauser, KIT)Innovative Methods for Non-smooth Problems

Mathematician Katharina E. Schratz acquires ERC Starting Grant of EUR 1.5 Million.

Electro-optical crystal for the acquisition of extremely short electron pulses in modern particle accelerators. (Photo: Nicole Hiller, KIT)Accelerator Technology of Tomorrow

Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds KIT accelerator research with around three million euros.

CERN Director-General Fabiola Gianotti und KIT President Holger Hanselka sign a letter of intent at CERN. (Photo: Maximilien Brice)KIT and CERN Expand Collaboration

Closer cooperation in the field of advanced accelerator technologies - "Declaration of Intent" signed.

PreisträgerinJulius Wess Prize Goes to Sally Dawson

Scientist receives award for theoretical descriptions of processes in particle accelerators.

Aurora borealis over the South Pole. The IceCube laboratory can be seen as a red dot, the neutrino experiment itself is embedded kilometre deep in the ice. (Photo: Kathrin Mallot, IceCube, NSF)Antarctica: Neutrino experiment is growing

IceCube is being expanded with the participation of KIT to measure neutrinos with unprecedented accuracy.

ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst received an honorary doctorate from the KIT Faculties of Physics and Civil Engineering, Geo- and Environmental Sciences (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)A Glimpse into Space: Alexander Gerst Inspires at KIT

The German ESA astronaut received an honorary doctorate and spoke about his missions in space. Video available.

LOFARNature: When Lightning Strikes – The LOFAR Radio Telescope Is Watching Closely

Lightning still is a poorly understood phenomenon – LOFAR Radio Telescope measures so far unknown structures and discharge processes – Research at KIT has laid technological foundations.

Complex structures imitating nature retain air even under water. The air on the actually blue carrier shines silver under water. (Photo: Thomas Schimmel, KIT)Ships Glide in an Envelope of Air

Award of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research goes to project for research into bionic ship coatings.

Martin WegenerMartin Wegener is New Member of acatech

Die Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften hat 28 herausragende Forschende aufgenommen.

Information from quantum memories is entangled with photons and transmitted over long distances. (Picture: David Hunger, KIT)Beginnings of Quantum Communication

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds cooperation project on fast and tap-proof communication.

The CMS experiment is one of four major experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), an accelerator at CERN in Geneva.. (Foto: Michael Hoch, Maximilien Brice/CERN/CMS Collaboration)Millions of Funding for Elementary Particle Research

BMBF funds experimental research into fundamental building blocks of matter with EUR 7.6 million.

Wolfgang Wernsdorfer (Photo: Sandra Göttisheim, KIT)Leibniz Prize for KIT Scientist

Wolfgang Wernsdorfer is granted most important research prize in Germany.

In order to apply controlled pressure to their microscopic, superconducting sample, the researchers use sensitive holders with actuators based on the piezo effect. (Figure: KIT)Science: High Pressure Arranges Electrons

KIT researchers investigate competing states in high-temperature superconductors.

Doktorand/innen der HIRSAPInauguration of the new Helmholtz International Research School in Buenos Aires

On November 20, 2018 the inauguration of the 
Helmholtz International Research School for Astroparticle Physics and Enabling Technologies (HIRSAP) took place at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) in Buenos Aires. 

The linear accelerator FLUTE is an example for the compact and flexible accelerator facilities at KIT. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)Accelerators for Science and Medical Research

Helmholtz Association funds project for accelerator technologies with nearly 30 million euros.

Laser light can be used to optically read out quantum registers based on spin states of single rare earth ions in a crystalline membrane. (Photo: Thomas Hümmer)Multi-functional Quantum Bits for Future Computers

European Commission funds SQUARE flagship project with EUR three million.

Im neuen Zentrum „Mathematics in Sciences, Engineering, and Economics“  bündeln Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus verschiedenen Disziplinen die mathematische Forschung am KIT. (Foto: Markus Breig, KIT)New KIT Mathematics Center Established

The Center pools the interdisciplinary mathematical research at KIT.

Professor Peter Würfel (Photo: Lydia Albrecht, KIT)Peter Würfel Receives Becquerel Prize 2018

The European Commission honors the physicist's outstanding contributions to the theory of photovoltaics.

Resurrected digitally: The parasitic wasp Xenomorphia resurrecta lays an egg in a fly pupa (Figure: Thomas van de Kamp, KIT; Nature Communications)Parasites in Fossil Fly Pupae

Wasps in several-million-year-old pupae detected by synchrotron X-ray microtomography.

Dr. Frank Schröder focuses on astroparticle physics, in particular the radio measurement of high-energy cosmic radiation (photo: Markus Breig, KIT)Antennas for Cosmic Rays

Dr. Frank Schröder receives an ERC Starting Grant of EUR 1.6 million for five years.

Kathrin Valerius und ihr Team am Experiment KATRIN wurden mit „außerordentlichem Erfolg“ bewertet.Best grade for Young Investigator Group

Council for Research and Promotion of Young Scientists (CRYS) confirms extraordinary success of the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group "Analysis of KATRIN Data to Measure the Neutrino Mass and Search for New Physics“.

Inside the vessel of the main spectrometer of the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment KATRIN (photo: Michael Zacher)Neutrinos Weighed by the World´s Most Precise Scale

Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment KATRIN starts its data taking phase.

The extremely water-repellent surface of the floating fern (Salvinia) serves as a model for AIRCOAT technology. (Figure: Research Group Prof. Schimmel, KIT)Air Coating for Ships

The coating reduces the frictional resistance of ships and makes them glide more easily through the water.

Particle accelerator experiment Belle II (photo: Felix Metzner, KIT)Secrets of the Big Bang and Dark Matter

With Belle II, a globally unique particle accelerator experiment goes into operation in Japan.

HIRS-EinweihungKick-off event of the new Helmholtz International Research School

On April 17, 2018 the kick-off event for the Helmholtz International Research School for Astroparticle Physics and Enabling Technologies (HIRSAP) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, took place at KIT.

Julius Wess Prize Winner 2017: Belgian Francis Halzen researches and teaches in the USA (Photo: EL PAIS/Bernardo Pérez)Julius Wess Prize 2017 Goes to Francis Halzen

He received the award for his achievements in astroparticle physics and in the international experiment IceCube.

GottschämmerKIT receives Best Teaching Award from Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft (DGG)

Ellen Gottschämmer from the Geophysical Institute has been honoured for excellent teaching.

DPG Prize for Superprecise 3D Laser PrintingDPG Prize for Superprecise 3D Laser Printing

The German Physical Society grants a prize to the Institute of Nanotechnology and the Innovation Management Service Unit.

Physics World Top Ten BreakthroughPierre Auger Collaboration Receives Award

The Pierre Auger Collaboration receives the award Physics World Top Ten Breakthrough of 2017 for their proof of extra-
galactic origin of high-energy cosmic rays. 

Grafische Darstellung eines Quanten-AlgorithmusQuantum Computing Enables Fast Database Searches

KIT scientists have implemented Grover’s quantum algorithm for search in unsorted databases.

Auger_PampaSupport of the Helmholtz International Research School on Astroparticle Physics and Enabling Technologies

The Helmholtz Association supports three international research schools, among them the International Research School on Astroparticle Physics and Enabling Technologies, applied by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) together with Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM), Buenos Aires. The spokespersons of the Research School, that is expected to start on April 1, 2018, are Dr. Ralph Engel from the German side and Dr. Alberto Etchegoyen from the Argentinian side.

Kabel und Aufbauten des Elektronenmikroskops in rötlichem LichtMicroscopy: A Keen Eye on Sensitive Samples

A new multifunctional electron microscope of KIT can detect structures in sensitive materials.

Sternenhimmel mit grünen Lichtphänomenen (Foto: Pierre-Auger-Observatorium/KIT)Ambassadors From Distant Galaxies

Scientists of the Pierre Auger Collaboration prove extragalactic origin of high-energy cosmic rays.

KRADGerman-Russian Research Group Receives 3 Years of Funding

The Helmholtz Association and the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) have selected the first six joint research groups for their "Helmholtz-RSF Joint Research Groups" funding program, including the Karlsruhe-Russian Astroparticle Data Life Cycle Initiative. The aim of this project is to make publicly available a broad spectrum of data on high-energy cosmic rays. The participating researchers from KIT are Dr. A. Haungs, IKP, and Prof. A. Streit, SCC, and from the Russian side Prof. A Kryukov, MSU. 


Wie die Grafik zeigt, übersteigen durch Hurrikan Harvey die jährlichen Kosten von Naturkatastrophen weltweit nun schon das achte Jahr in Folge die 100-Milliarden-Dollar-Grenze (Abbildung: James Daniell, KIT)Harvey Is One of the Top 10 Most Costly Natural Disasters

Texas suffers direct losses of $58 billion, further increases in costs may be expected. Only Sandy and Katrina were more expensive.

FLUTEKompakte Beschleuniger: Mit Terahertz-Licht in die Materie blicken

Am 13. Juli fanden die Feierlichkeiten anlässlich der Einweihung des Linear-
beschleunigers FLUTE statt. Am Linearbeschleuniger FLUTE (Ferninfrarot Linac- Und Test Experiment) erforscht das KIT Technologien für die Beschleuniger von morgen und die Anwendung von Terahertzstrahlung in Wissenschaft, Industrie und Medizin.

Marlis HochbruckProfessor Marlis Hochbruck Has Been Confirmed as Vice President of DFG

Prof. Marlis Hochbruck has been elected as vice president for further 4 years by the Joint Committee of Deutsche Forschungs-
gemeinschaft (DFG). Since 2014, Marlis Hochbruck from the Institute of Applied and Numerical Analysis at KIT has worked honorarily as vice president for the DFG. 

Lino Barañao, DDAp-Studenten und Johannes BlümerChancellor Merkel in Dialogue with Doctoral Students of the Double Doctoral degree in Astrophysics (DDAp)

During the travel of Chancellor Angela Merkel to Argentina on June 8 an exchange with students and young scientists took place concerning cooperations. Doctoral students of the Double Doctoral degree in Astrophysics (DDAp) - a program between KIT and the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) in Buenos Aires - participated in the dialogue.

KASCADE InfotafelInformation Board of the KASCADE/KASCADE-Grande Experiment

Just in time for the upcoming open day the KASCADE/ KASCADE-Grande information board has been mounted in the southwesterly corner of the former KASCADE detector array at Campus North. The extensive air shower experiment Karlsruhe Shower Core and Array Detector (KASCADE) studied successfully the characteristics of cosmic radiation from February 1994 to January 2013. The KASCADE data are made available for public usage at the KASCADE Cosmic Ray Data Centre (KCDC).



LHC PixeldetektorNeuer Silizium-Pixeldetektor für das CMS Experiment

Der Teilchenbeschleuniger LHC am europäischen Teilchenphysiklabor CERN bei Genf hat wieder seinen Betrieb aufgenommen. Am CMS-Experiment wurde in der Winterpause ein neuer Silizium-Pixeldetektor eingebaut. Physiker, Ingenieure und Techniker vom Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) haben dazu an vielen Stellen wichtige Beiträge geleistet.

Frank HerrlichKIT-Fakultätslehrpreis für Prof. Dr. Frank Herrlich
Herausragende Leistungen in der Lehre würdigt das Präsidium jährlich mit dem KIT-Fakultätslehrpreis. Der Preis ist mir 10.000 Euro dotiert. Bei der Jahresfeier 2017 zeichnete Prof. Alexander Wanner, Vizepräsident für Lehre und akademische Angelegenheiten, Dozentinnen und Dozenten in den elf KIT-Fakultäten aus, darunter Prof. Dr. Frank Herrlich vom Institut für Algebra und Geometrie.
Hr. Wernsdorfer ERCTwo Researchers of KIT Receive ERC Advanced Grants

European Research Council (ERC) selects Wolfgang Wernsdorfer for funding through an ERC Advanced Grant.

Netzwerk NeutrinomasseNetwork for Neutrino Research and Sensors

The international network Neutrino mass develops more precise detectors for particle physics experiments like KATRIN.

Robert KlannerRobert Klanner Was Chosen to Receive the Julius Wess Award 2016

Robert Klanner was nominated for the 2016 Julius Wess Award in recognition of his fundamental contributions to  the development of silicon microstrip detectors.

KATRIN first lightKarlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment (KATRIN): "First Light"

KATRIN experiment has reached the next major milestone: For the first time, electrons flew through the whole facility to the detector.

3D-PetrischalenErwin Schrödinger Award for Specifically Designed Petri Dishes

Three KIT scientists receive the award worth EUR 50,000 for their interdisciplinary reasearch on three-dimensional cell culturing.

Verladung der Eisenplatten am KIT (Foto: Jürgen Wochele, KIT)4000 Tonnen KASCADE-Eisenplatten ziehen um zu FAIR

Die 900 Eisenplatten dienen in Zukunft als "Bremsklotz" für das FAIR-Experiment in Darmstadt.


James W. Cronin (@ University of Chicago)Nobel Laureate James W. Cronin Died

James W. Cronin, American physicist and nobel laureate, died August 25, 2016 in Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA, at the age of 84.

Die Gewinnerin des Julius Wess-Preises 2015, Lisa Randall. (Bild: Rose Lincoln)Lisa Randall Receives the 2015 Julius Wess Prize

The Prize will be handed over to the the theoretical physicist of Harvard University on July 8.

Brasilianische DelegationBrazilian State Minister at KIT

In the focus of the visit was a cooperation project with universities in the South of Brazil.

Phänomen der optischen TäuschungResearch Training Group in Asymptotic Geometry

New Research Training Group of KIT and the University of Heidelberg will begin its work by October.

Preisverleihung in BerlinKIT Brings Outstanding Experimental Physicist Back to Germany

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship awarded to Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, who will conduct research at KIT from June.

Das sanierte Mathematik-Gebäude am KIT-Campus Süd (Foto: Manuel Balzer, KIT)KIT Receives "Deutscher Hochschulbaupreis"

The restored building on KIT Campus South is an example of sustainable campus architecture.

KIT-Simulation: Kosmische StrahlenSimulations at KIT Analyze Cosmic Rays

Developed at the KIT, the simulation code CoREAS leads to new insights about cosmic rays.

Ein Prototyp von AugerPrime: Jeder existierende Wasser-Cherenkov-Detektor mit 12 000 Litern Wasser wird um einen vier Quadratmeter großen Szintillator erweitert (Foto: Pierre Auger Collaboration)AugerPrime: Looking for Cosmic Rays

Pierre Auger Observatory with KIT participating will be continued and expanded.

Wolfgang Wernsdorfer (Fotoquelle: Eric Lichtenscheidt)KIT Receives Humboldt Professorship for Physicist

The internationally acknowledged physicist Wolfgang Wernsdorfer will come to KIT.
