Welcome to the Digitalization and Sustainability Interface Project!

"Digitalization and sustainability are key transformations of our time. The urgent sustainability problems must be solved quickly and successfully - digital solutions can help. And the digital transformation can only succeed if we take resource aspects, ecological limits and social needs into account at the same time."
Prof. Kora Kristof, Vice President Digitalization and Sustainability

Digitalization and sustainability have long been researched, taught and implemented together at KIT. The two cross-cutting topics are also closely linked at a strategic level with the KIT 2025 Strategy and the Digitalization and Sustainability Executive Board Department. Hence, they are an explicit subject of KIT's future development.

With the "Digitalization and Sustainability Interface Project", we want to support KIT in making even more substantial contributions at the interface of digitalization and sustainability for the future. In this way, we can expand KIT's position as a competence center at the interconnection of the two transformations in an exemplary manner. The aim is to identify and implement important potentials for research, teaching, transfer and internal processes at KIT.

Submit your Ideas!

All employees and students are invited to submit their specific ideas in an elevator pitch format to advance the transformation at the interface of digitalization and sustainability. An elevator pitch is the presentation of an idea that takes no longer than an elevator ride. In our case, this corresponds to a 60-second video or voice message or a 1000-character text. It is therefore important to keep your proposal short and focus on the most important points: What is it about? Why is your idea particularly effective?

We are looking for innovative ideas that meaningfully link the topics of digital change and sustainability in research, teaching, transfer or at KIT as an organization and have a substantial impact. Your ideas can be, for example, research questions on digitalization topics that are closely linked to sustainability issues, or sustainability topics that can be substantially advanced through the use of digital methods. Or suggestions for combining digitalization and sustainability in teaching, administration and infrastructure in a particularly effective way.

What happens after you have submitted your ideas

We collect your ideas until January 15, 2025. Afterwards, your ideas will be reviewed, clustered thematically and evaluated by the project team for suitability at the interface of sustainability and digitalization. You, as the idea provider, will then be contacted and invited to the workshops for the further development of the particularly innovative and impact-oriented ideas.

There you will have the opportunity to discuss and refine the clustered ideas together with the project team and representatives of the Executive Board. The ideas will then be prioritized based on criteria and developed into concepts for tangible implementation and pilot projects, which will be incorporated into the KIT committees.