Division I - Biology, Chemistry, and Process Engineering

Division I combines research, teaching and innovation in the scientific disciplines of biology, chemistry and process engineering. Twenty KIT research institutes, the Natural, Artificial and Cognitive Information Processing (NACIP) and Materials Systems Engineering (MSE) programmes in Helmholtz Information and the two KIT Departments of Chemistry and Biosciences and Chemical and Process Engineering form the core of the division.

We focus on our research motif  "Material and energy cycles in the circular economy, life science engineering, process technology and digitalisation". In this way, we research and teach the latest processes and methods of material and energy conversion for the circular economy and build a synergistic bridge to the life sciences. In terms of content, the size scales are addressed both theoretically and experimentally from nanogram synthesis to the near-industrial ton scale. All research in Division I is geared to the requirements of a resource-efficient data-based society.

Professor Dr. Andrea Robitzki has been Head of Division I since February 17th, 2020.

Head of Division Prof. Andrea Robitzki
Head of Division I

Prof. Dr. Andrea Robitzki







Contact Team Division I




Material and Energy Circuits in Circular Economy, Life Science Engineering, Process Technology and Digitization

dfgPeter W. Roesky
New rare earth compounds as potential future data storage devices

KIT researchers present the synthesis of new rare earth sandwich complexes for quantum information technologies.

dv<sAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
Sodium-ion batteries on the way to application

In the SIB:DE FORSCHUNG project, KIT researchers are working together with partners on the industrial transfer of pioneering sodium technology

Ring aus fünf Bismut-Atomen hergestelltKIT
Ring made from five Bismuth Atoms

With the synthesis of an unusual molecule, KIT researchers create the basis for the development of new materials and chemical processes

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d<sgvMarco Schilling
Hector Science Prize for chemist Stefanie Dehnen

Award for outstanding research achievements with international resonance in the field of chemistry of cluster compounds

Research training group on sustainable hydrogels

The RTG, which will be funded from October 2025, focuses on sustainable hydrogels, which are important in many life science applications such as food science and pharmacy due to their biocompatibility.

Novel Materials with Almost Perfect Water Repellency - to the press releaseKIT
Novel Materials with Almost Perfect Water Repellency

Potential application for self-cleaning surfaces in cars or buildings

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Wasserstoffmotoren für die Zukunft: Im Projekt PoWer entwickeln Forschende neue Antriebskonzepte für Bau- und Agraranwendungen (Foto: Magali Hauser KIT)
Mobilität: Wasserstoffmotor für Offroad-Anwendungen

Partner aus Industrie und Wissenschaft entwickeln wasserstoffbasierte Antriebskonzepte für Bau- und Agraranwendungen.

Um Zuchtpflanzen wie die Erdbeere widerstandsfähiger gegen späten Frost zu machen, haben Forschende des KIT Gene identifiziert, die die Kältetoleranz erhöhen. (Foto: PantherMedia /Arpad Radoczy)PantherMedia /Arpad Radoczy
Gene der Walderdbeere schützen vor Kälte

Forschende des KIT und der Genbank Südwest identifizieren wilde Gene für kälteresistente Zuchterdbeeren.

CIW Ingenierinnen Netzwerk KIT
CIW Women Engineers Network

The CIW Women Engineers Network (CIW IN) was founded in 2021 by the KIT Department of Chemical and Process Engineering (CIW) as part of the ExU Gender Equity 1 project. The aim is to enable both professional and social exchange for women within the department, regardless of where they are in their scientific careers.

