Analysis of a cerium oxide catalyst using carbon monoxide probe molecules and infra-red reflection absorption spectroscopy. (Figure: IFG/KIT)
Catalyst Research: Molecular Probes Require Highly Precise Calculations

Scientists of KIT Use Advanced Methods with Hybrid Functionals for Analysis of Active Sites – Publication in Physical Review Letters

Operando X-ray spectroscopy shows what happens in each single part of a working catalyst. (Photo: Dr. Dmitry Doronkin, KIT)
Three-dimensional View of Catalysts in Action

Operando X-ray Spectroscopy Brings New Opportunities for Materials and Reaction Diagnostics – Report in Nature Catalysis

Hydrogen: Researchers of KIT seek to use the potentials of fuel cells for heavy goods vehicles. (Photo: wbk, KIT)
New Production Technology for Heavy Goods Vehicles

Resource-efficient, Flexible, and Low-cost Production of Fuel Cells – State Ministry of Economic Affairs Grants Funding in the Amount of about EUR 1 Million

A platinum/palladium noble metal block, the atoms, and deposition of a platinum cluster on cerium oxide that acts as efficient catalyst. (Figure: ITCP/KIT)
How to Make Catalysts More Efficient

DFG Funds New Collaborative Research Center “TrackAct” at KIT for Understanding Catalytic Processes

Pyrolysis oil from mixed wastes is to close the loop for plastics from automotive engineering. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)
KIT and Audi Are Working on Recycling Method for Automotive Plastics

Closed Loop for Plastics from Automotive Engineering: Recycled Plastics Are Processed to Pyrolysis Oil Which Can Then Be Used for New Components

Das Forschungsteam untersucht die charakteristische "Tigerfärbung" von Weinreben, die von der Pflanzenkrankheit Esca befallen sind – das Wissen überträgt es auf Bäume im städtischen Raum. (Foto: Hanns-Heinz Kassemeyer, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
Klimawandel: Schutz für Kulturreben und städtische Bäume

Forschende des KIT untersuchen, wie sich Wildreben gegen Pilze wehren, und übertragen diese Erkenntnisse auf den Schutz von Bäumen im städtischen Raum.

NMR probe (left) with miniaturized detector (right). In HiSCORE, such detectors will be combined with hyperpolarization to acquire binding processes of substance candidates. (Photos: Markus Breig, KIT)
Drug Screening at Far Higher Throughput

Processes Are Accelerated by a Factor of 10,000 – European Research Council Funds KIT Re-searchers and Partners Involved in the HiSCORE Project

Anordnung aus Mikrotröpfchen mit verschiedenen Reagenzien auf der Synthese-Plattform des chemBIOS-Chips. (Foto: Maximilian Benz, KIT)
Arzneimittelentwicklung: Prozessschritte auf einem Chip vereint

Neue Funktionalisierung von Glasoberflächen ermöglicht ressourcenschonende Herstellung, Analyse und biologische Untersuchung neuer Wirkstoffe.


Neuer Arbeitsort für 120 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler sowie technische Mitarbeitende am Campus Nord
Biologie trifft Chemie – Forschungsneubau bezogen News 27974

Interdisziplinäre Forschung auf 5 800 Quadratmetern am Campus Nord des KIT


In vivo images of growing artery (A, B) and confocal images of arterial blood flow and arterial endothelial actin cytoskeleton (C, D). Detailed caption at the end of the text. (Images: ZOO, KIT)
Specific and Rapid Expansion of Blood Vessels

Nature Communications: KIT Researchers Identify a New Mechanism to Control Endothelial Cell Size and Arterial Caliber – Basis for Better Treatment of Heart Infarct and Stroke

Color change: The right microcylinder printed with the novel photoresist appears white, because light is scattered in its sponge-like structure, whereas the cylinder printed with conventional photoresist appears transparent. (Figure: 3DMM2O)
Novel Photoresist Enables 3D Printing of Smallest Porous Structures

Researchers of the Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order Expand Possibilities of Two-photon Microprinting

Electron micrograph of the “empty” scaffold (without hydrogel) that an international research team used to deform individual cells. (Image: Marc Hippler, KIT)
“Stretching Rack” for Cells

An ingenious device, only a few micrometers in size, enables to study the reaction of individual biological cells to mechanical stress – publication in Science Advances

Schematische Abbildung eines Edelmetallkatalysators mit inaktiven Einzelatomen (links) und aktiven Clustern (rechts; Edelmetall: weiß; Trägermetall: gelb; Sauerstoff: rot). (Grafik: Florian Maurer, KIT).
Edelmetallcluster können Katalysatoren leistungsfähig machen und Ressourcen schonenNews 27652

Optimierte Verteilung von Atomen erlaubt kostengünstigere Produktion – Publikation in Nature Catalytics.

Doris Wedlich verstorben

Die ehemalige Leiterin des Bereichs I hat den Aufbau und die Weiterentwicklung des KIT nachhaltig geprägt.

DNA is exposed to UV radiation from LEDs to study how far the photoenergy migrates. (Photo: Arthur Kuhlmann, KIT)
DNA Damage Caused by Migrating Light Energy

UV Radiation Modifies DNA Also Far Away from the Entry Point of Light - Publication in Angewandte Chemie.

An inversion (left) in thale cress (background) can be undone with CRISPR/Cas (center) to reactivate the exchange of genes (right) in the said section. (Figure: Michelle Rönspies/KIT)
Inheritance in Plants Can Now Be Controlled Specifically

For the First Time, KIT Researchers Use CRISPR/Cas Molecular Scissors to Recombine Genes on a Chromosome – Nature Communications Publishes Results.

Production of electrodes for lithium-ion batteries: The active material is applied as a paste and then dried. (Photo: Ralf Diehm/KIT)
Accelerated Drying of Electrodes – Cheaper Production of Batteries

EPIC Project Aims at the Energetic, Economic, and Ecological Optimization of Production.

KIT researchers have developed a filtration system with smallest carbon particles, which removes hormones from drinking water. (Photo: Sandra Göttisheim, KIT)
New Process for Efficient Removal of Steroid Hormones from Water

Improved Filtration System Made of a Polymer Membrane with Activated Carbon Eliminates Estradiol with an Efficiency of More Than 99 Percent – KIT Researchers Report in Water Research.

Poröse Flüssigkeiten als Membran: Mit diesem Verfahren könnten sich in der Kunststoffindustrie enorme Mengen Energie und damit CO2 einsparen lassen. (Foto: Alexander Knebel, KIT)
Porous Liquids Allow for Efficient Gas Separation

New material opens up the possibility of saving up to 80 percent of energy when separating raw materials for the plastics industry – Publication in Nature Materials.

Die konsequente Automatisierung sowie der Einsatz von KI beim Planen und Auswerten von Versuchsreihen sollen die Entwicklung neuer Batterien beschleunigen. (Foto: Daniel Messling, KIT)
New EU Project to Boost Battery Development

A novel battery development strategy has been launched in the European BATTERY 2030+ initiative – the CELEST research platform with KIT and Ulm University participate.

Versuchsaufbau inklusive Hochdruckzelle zur Fischer-Tropsch Messkampagne an der CAT-ACT Messlinie am KIT Synchrotron. (Foto: Tiziana Carambia)
Bespoke Catalysts for Power-to-X

Using a synchrotron, scientists of KIT watch a power-to-X catalyst at work.

Große Datenmengen zu sammeln, zu speichern und zu verarbeiten wird in vielen Disziplinen der Wissenschaften durch den digitalen Wandel immer notwendiger. (Foto: Markus Breig, KIT)
National Research Data Infrastructure: Funding of Three Consortia with KIT Participation

Chemistry, engineering sciences, and catalysis research successful in first round of calls.


An der Modellpflanze Ackerschmalwand wurden mithilfe des Proteins Cas9 erstmals Chromosomen neu zusammengesetzt. (Abbildung: Angelina Schindele, KIT)
Exchange of Arms between Chromosomes Using Molecular Scissors

CRISPR/Cas Revolutionizes Crop Cultivation by Specific Combination of Properties – New Genome Modification Technology Presented in Nature Plants


Die Bakterien (grün) sind in einem Kompositmaterial aus Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhrchen (grau) und Kieselsäure-Nanopartikeln (lila) verwoben mit DNA (blau) eingebettet. (Grafik: Niemeyer-Lab, KIT)
Microbial Cyborgs: Bacteria Supplying Power

KIT Scientists Develop Programmable, Biohybrid Material System that Uses Bacteria for Power Generation



With its essential oils, mint keeps away weeds – the menthone contained in the oil might be used as a basis of environmentally friendly bioherbicides. (Photo: Jana Müller)
Mint Scent Inhibits the Growth of Weeds

New Approach to Sustainable Weed Control is Based on Studies of Biological Communication between Plants – Menthone Has Bioherbicide Potential










Within the BATTERY 2030+ project, robots aren’t solely used to produce new batteries. They also plan and evaluate their own experiments autonomously using AI. (Photo: Daniel Messling, KIT)
Roadmap for Battery Research in Europe

The European Research Initiative BATTERY 2030+ Presents Goals – Research Platform CELEST with KIT, Ulm University, and ZSW Participates


In the NECOC research project, an integrated pilot plant is being built to test a new process for reducing the greenhouse gas CO2 in the atmosphere. The process will produce carbon black - a high-quality, solid carbon. (Photo: Moritz Leg)
From Greenhouse Gas to a High-tech Resource

At Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the NECOC research project is aimed at building a unique test facility for active reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2).










Researchers cultivate plant cells in biochips to study the effect of various signalling substances on the cells. (Photo: Alexandra Wolf, KIT)
Plant Protection: Communication instead of Poison

Increasing drought and heat seriously affect plants. In the Upper Rhine area, for example, climate change results in the development of new plant diseases, an example being Esca, a disease that causes vines to die









