2017 Julius Wess Award Goes to Francis Halzen

Award for Scientific Achievements in Astroparticle Physics and Halzen’s Leading Role in the International IceCube Experiment
Julius Wess-Preisträger 2017: Der Belgier Francis Halzen forscht und lehrt in den USA (Foto: EL PAIS/Bernardo Pérez)
2017 Julius Wess Award winner: The Belgian Francis Halzen conducts research and teaches in the USA. (Photo: EL PAIS/Bernardo Pérez)

Francis Halzen receives the 2017 Julius Wess Award of the Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics Center (KCETA) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The born Belgian teaches at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Halzen is granted the award for his work in the areas of cosmic rays and neutrino physics and in particular for his initiative to build the AMANDA neutrino detector and his commitment to the much larger follow-up project IceCube, both of which are situated directly at the South Pole. Representatives of the media are cordially invitied to come to the award ceremony on April 20, 2018, 3:00 p.m.

Full Text: Press Release 042/2018

jh, 13.04.2018