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Artificial Intelligence: Better Protection Against FloodingGabriele Zachmann, KIT
Artificial Intelligence: Better Protection Against Flooding

KIT researchers develop the first national flood prediction model for small rivers using machine learning

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Understanding the Energy Transition: How Models Shape the  FutureAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
Understanding the Energy Transition: How Models Shape the Future

Veit Hagenmeyer (KIT) and Klaus Stierstorfer (University of Münster) receive Reinhart Koselleck project to critically analyze energy transition models and their impact

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12 Million Euros for Educating Future Quantum Scientists - to press releaseChristian Flier, Universität Basel
12 Million Euros for Educating Future Quantum Scientists

Generation Quantum: Eucor establishes “Gen-Q” doctoral program with European funding – eleven doctoral researchers at KIT participate in the program

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KIT's 200th Anniversary Ceremony: "KIT. Place of the Future. Since 1825".
KIT's 200th Anniversary Ceremony: "KIT. Place of the Future. Since 1825".

Science, economy and politics emphasize the importance of cooperation and internationalization for Germany's future

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Demonstration against right-wing extremism in Karlsruhe. The colors of the KIT (blue and green) are laid over it as a color gradient. Foto: Stadt Karlsruhe, Boris Burghardt / Collage: KIT
For Respect, Dialog, and an Open Society

KIT is Committed to Diversity – Science thrives on exchange and tolerance.

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Cover of the current issue of lookKIT
Fundamental Research

The current issue of lookKITgives an insight into the fundamental research conducted at KIT.

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Studierende am KIT KIT
Degree Programs

More than 100 degree programs in natural and engineering sciences, economics, humanities, social sciences and teaching.

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Hauptgebäude des KIT an der Kaiserstraße am Campus Süd Harry Marx, KIT
200 Years of KIT

KIT. Place of the future. Since 1825.
In 2025, KIT will celebrate its 200th anniversary.

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As a University of Excellence, KIT strengthens excellent research, maintains intensive dialog with society, and offers reliable career paths.

Research University in the Helmholtz Association

KIT is the only German university of excellence that combines a long university tradition with large-scale national research.


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