Getting Involved

With your commitment, you support KIT in its tasks of excellent science, practice-oriented teaching, and sustainable knowledge transfer to industry and society. We offer a wide range of opportunities for you to contribute to our success with your expertise, ideas, or financial support.

KIT Giving – Donating and Supporting


Are you a private sponsor, a charitable foundation, or a socially committed company that would like to make a difference at KIT with your donations? Then KIT GIVING is the right place for you. Support us in various areas of research, campus development, and talent promotion and help to advance KIT.

Learn more about KIT Giving

KIT Stiftung

Our Foundation

The KIT Foundation promotes research, teaching, innovation, and academic life at KIT. With your contribution, you support groundbreaking research projects, young talents at school and university, and outstanding young scientists.

Learn more about the KIT Foundation

Innovation Day NEULAND at Campus South of KIT Patrick Langer, KIT


Do you have your own communication goals and want to increase your visibility to the public? At our well-attended events, we offer you a variety of opportunities to present yourself as a research partner or employer.

Learn more about sponsoring

Networking event among professionals Matthias -

KIT Alumni

Did you study or work at KIT, did you do research at the former Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe or did you teach at the Fridericiana? As an alumna or alumnus, you can use your experience and know-how for the benefit of KIT in a variety of ways. Whether for students or for KIT as a whole – we look forward to your contribution!

 Learn more about KIT Alumni