Founded in |
October 1, 2009, merger of Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, founded in 1956, and Universität Karlsruhe (TH), founded in 1825
Employees 2024 |
10 107
- Education and research: 5 871
- Non-scientific staff: 4 235
(winter semester 2024/2025) |
22 761
- Arts: 896
- Law, Economics and Social Sciences: 3 163
- Mathematics, Natural Sciences: 4 240
- Engineering Sciences: 13 631
- Other courses of studies: 831
Degree programs
(winter semester 2024/2025) |
- Undergraduate bachelor’s programs: 44
(degrees: Bachelor of Science, Education, Arts)
- Consecutive master’s programs: 59
(degrees: Master of Science, Education, Arts)
- Master’s programs offering additional training: 6
(degree: Master of Science)
Budget 2023 |
Euro 1 147.6 million
- Federal funds: Euro 344.7 million
- State funds: Euro 315.9 million
- Third-party funds: Euro 487.0 million
Innovations in 2024
- Invention disclosure: 95
- Patent applications: 48
- Income from KIT licenses (million €): 1.46
- Spin-offs: 58