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Abstrakte Darstellung von Quantenphänomenen

"This Will Change Our Lives"

How Researchers at KIT Want to Pave the Way for Future Quantum Technology
In the foreground of the graphic is a DNA strand, in the background there is a computer chip and binary code.

Can the Cell Nucleus Serve as a Blueprint for Future Microchips?

How KIT Researchers Work on DNA-based Information Systems
A wind turbine in front of a cloudy sky.

The Long Road to Energy Security

Researchers at KIT Are Working on a Stable and Sustainable Energy Supply
ECG with a 3D image of the heart

New Methods in Cardiac Diagnostics

KIT’s innovative modeling method will decisively improve personalized treatment
Microscopy of the tissue structure of a serous cystadenoma in the pancreas

Breakthrough in Cancer Research?

KIT researchers are working on therapy with nanoparticles
Excavators dismantle an old concrete structure.

New from Old

Researchers at KIT Aim to Limit Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Production of Conrete
Liquid lead bismuth is used as a heat transfer medium in the heat storage system

Energy Storage: Hope in Hot Temperatures

Researchers of KIT Want to Make Energy-Intensive Industries Climate-Friendly with the Help of Liquid Metal
House of cards beginning to collapse

At the Tipping Point

Researchers at KIT Are Investigating How Climate Change Might Irreversibly Change Our World
Image of the Perseus galaxy cluster with approximately a thousand galaxies in the foreground and more than a hundred thousand in the background. The galaxies are recognizable as smaller and larger points of light. Some also appear as spirals.

The Invisible Part of the Universe

KIT Researchers Are Working on the Detection of Dark Matter
Luftaufnahme eines Waldgebiets

The Future of the Forest

KIT researchers study how the German forest can be guarded against climate change
Eine Wildblumenwiese.

”We Have to Manage Two Crises”

At KIT, Researchers Study How Climate Change and Biodiversity Are Related
Sketch of a person wearing VR glasses

Awareness of Responsibility

At KIT, Researchers and Students Learn to Detect Ethical Traps and to reflect on their own actions
Arabidopsis thaliana for plant research

Securing Harvests with Gene Scissors?

KIT researchers study the use of CRISPR/Cas to make plants more resistant to heat or salt stress.
Im Bild sind die zwei Kühltürme des Kernkraftwerks Saporischschja zu sehen. Davor befindet sich ein Gewässer.

Computations for Cases of Emergency

KIT researchers support Ukrainian authorities in maintaining nuclear safety for the case of one of the four nuclear power plants in the country being damaged.
Landscape with hot, steaming springs

The Treasure at Our Feet

At KIT, the storage of excess heat in the underground is investigated.
Illustration of hydrogen

Unlimited Potential?

Hydrogen Is the Most Abundant Element in the Universe – and It Is Very Rich in Energy. At KIT, Its Potential for the Energiewende Is Being Researched.
Sitzungssaal, in dem zahlreiche Menschen sitzen und konzentriert zum Rednerpult schauen.

Well Advised – Also in Times of Crisis

KIT runs the Office of Technology Assessment with the German Bundestag
View from below onto a solar module and into radiant sunlight

Let There Be Light!

Solar Power at an Altitude of Almost 5,000 Meters. An Example of International Research at KIT.
Dem Wetter auf der Spur

Tracking the Weather

KIT's Climate Research in Africa Makes Valuable Contributions to Flood Protection and Rainforest Preservation
Vom Wissen zum Handeln

From Knowledge to Action

How the Real-World Labs at KIT Can Promote Societal Change Towards More Sustainability.Learn more.
3D-Grafik eines Globus'.

Digitalization and Sustainability

At KIT, smart solutions for the future are developed. Learn more.
Blick ins Innere von KATRIN, dem Neutrino-Experiment am KIT: Man sieht die Innenwand einer riesigen Stahlröhre. Auf einem Gerüst sind drei Personen in Schutzanzügen zu sehen. (Foto: Markus Breig, KIT)

Large-Scale Research at KIT

Getting to Grips with Future-related Issues and Unresolved Mysteries. Learn more.

Sustainable Building

KIT is Working on Solutions for the Construction Projects of the Future
Nachhaltige Mobilität

Sustainable Mobility

KIT Has an Eye on the Future
Innovation am KIT

Innovation at KIT

Successful Transfer from Research to Application
Climate Change and Sustainability

Climate Change and Sustainability

KIT works on the preservation of our natural basis of life

Technology. Impacts. Visions.

Technology Futures in KIT’s Research
Living sustainably and securing our standard of living at the same time - that is the basic idea of the bio-economy.

Bioeconomy at KIT

Research for a Sustainable Future
Intelligente, dezentrale Energiesysteme

Energy Lab 2.0

Research for the Energy Transition at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology