As a junior research group leader at KIT, apply for recognition as "KIT-Nachwuchsgruppe" (KIT Junior Research Group) to make your group more visible inside and outside of KIT. The recognition certifies the high quality of your group and paves the way to further opportunities and perspectives at KIT.
Thus, the certificate is required if you wish to participate in the doctoral procedures of members of your junior research group. For this purpose, heads of a KIT-Nachwuchsgruppe can apply for the status KIT Associate Fellow. In addition, they may apply for membership in the Young Investigator Network (YIN).
Aleksandra Olszynka
Scientific Awards and Paths to Professorship
Tel.: 0721 608 48440
Emmy Noether Junior Research Groups
Group Title | Head of Group | Institute | ||
Multi-Model Nowcasting and Short-Term Forecasting of Infectious Disease Spread | Tenure-Track-Prof. Dr. Johannes Bracher | Institute of Statistics (STAT) - Statistical Methods and Econometrics | ||
Coarse Medians as Hyperbolicity Surrogate | Dr. Elia Fioravanti | Institute of Algebra and Geometry (IAG) | ||
Dicoordinate Main Group Element and Transition Metal Nitrides | Dr. Alexander Hinz | Institute for Inorganic Chemistry (AOC) | ||
The PHASER in focus | Dr. Sören Lehmkuhl | Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT) | ||
Intuitive Robot Intelligence: Efficient Learning and Improving of Explainable Skills and Behaviors for Intuitive Human-Robot Interaction |
Tenure Track Prof. Dr. Rudolf Lioutikov | Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR) | ||
Real-time holographic video display: Meta-SLM | Dr. Maryna Meretska | Institute of Nanotechnology (INT) | ||
Quantum Coherent Control of Atomic and Molecular Spins on Surfaces | Tenure Track Prof. Dr. Philip Willke | Physikalisches Institut (PHI) |
Helmholtz Investigator Groups
Group Title | Head of Group | Institute |
Building Network Resilience in Healthcare against Cyber-Attacks | Jun.-Prof. Dr. Emilia Graß | Institute of Information Security and Dependability (KASTEL) |
A big unknown in the climate impact of atmospheric aerosol: Mineral soil dust |
Tenure Track-Prof. Dr. Martina Klose | Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research - Department Troposphere Research (IMK-TRO) |
Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance | Dr. Benno Meier | Institut für Biologische Grenzflächen - Magnetic Resonance (IBG-4) |
Data-driven analysis of complex systems (DRACOS) | Tenure Track-Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schäfer | Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI) |
BMBF Junior Research Groups
Group Title | Head of Group | Institute |
InfinBat | Dr. Simon Fleischmann | Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) |
MelLi | Dr. Florian Strauß | Institute of Nanotechnology (INT) |
European Research Council (ERC) Groups
Group Title | Head of Group | Institute |
ERC Consolidator Grant Development of Suprasensons and Assays for Molecular Diagnostics (SupraSense) |
Dr. Frank Biedermann | Institute of Nanotechnology (INT) |
ERC Starting Grant Mechanics-tailored Functional Ceramics via Dislocations (MECERDIS) |
Dr. Xufei Fang | Institute for Applied Materials - Mechanics of Materials and Interfaces (IAM-MMI) |
ERC Starting Grant Advancing Subseasonal PredIctions at Reduced Computational Effort (ASPIRE) |
Dr. Julian Quinting | Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research - Department Troposphere Research (IMK-TRO) |
ERC Starting Grant On-Surface Atomic Spins with Outstanding Quantum Coherence (ATOMQUANT) |
Tenure Track Prof. Dr. Philip Willke | Physikalisches Institut (PHI) |
Freigeist Fellowship
Nexus Junior Research Group
Titel der Nachwuchsgruppe | Gruppenleitung | Institut |
BIOSCALE – Establishment of a Biological Scale-Up Concept for Upscaling of Biotechnological Processes | Dr. Nadja Alina Henke |
Institute of Process Engineering in Life Sciences (BLT), Microsystems in Bioprocess Engineering (MBVT) |
Interdigitated electrode biosensor decorated with artificially imprinted polymer receptors for rapid diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury (IDEArt) | Dr. Gözde Kabay | Institute of Functional Interfaces (IFG) |
High-Throughput Optimization of Sustainable Energy Conversion Catalysts Under Real World Device-like Application Condition | Dr. Johanna Schröder | Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry (ITCP) |
Toward Zero-Carbon, Net-Energy Refrigeration Using Elastocaloric Cooling (ELASTO COOL) | Dr. Jingyuan Xu | Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT) |
Junior Research Group with other funding sources