Administration, Infrastructure, and Central Institutions
The administration of KIT presently consists of Business Units, Staff Units, and Central Institutions reporting to the respective members of the Executive Board along the lines of responsibility. In the Operations department, some of the Business and Staff Units are bundled into Service Units. The organizational chart of KIT reflects the lines of responsibility for the disciplines.
Vice President Research
- Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS)
- Research Office (FOR)
- Technology House (TEC)
Vice President Higher Education and Academic Affairs
- General Studies. Forum Science and Society (FORUM)
- Higher Education Law and Academic Affairs (HAA)
- House of Competence (HOC)
- Studienkolleg for foreign Students (STK)
- Studying and Teaching (SLE)
Vice President Digitalization and Sustainability
- Data Protection (DSB)
- Digital Office incl. Chief Information Security Officer (DO)
- KIT Library (BIB)
- Scientific Computing Center (SCC)
- Sustainability Office (SO)
Service Unit Finance
- Purchasing, Sales, and Materials Management (EVM)
- Financial Management (FIMA)
Service Unit Human Resources
- Center for Advanced Technological and Environmental Training (FTU)
- Conflict Management and Psychosocial Counseling (KMB)
- Human Resources (PSE)
- Human Resources Development and Vocational Training (PEBA)
Departmental Business Units and Staff Units that are not part of Service Units:
- Compliance (COMP)
- Internal Audit (REV)
- Legal Affairs (RECHT)
- Medical Services (MED)
- Organizational Development and Processes (OEP)
- Project, Process, and Quality Management (PPQ)
- Project Management Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA)
- Safety and Environment (SUM)
- Specialists for Occupational Safety (FAS)