Several people standing behind a big KIT logo, a person is sitting in a wheelchairKIT

Equal Opportunities and Diversity at KIT

The active promotion of equal opportunities for women and men has a high priority at KIT and is a cross-sectional task in the entire organization.
More equal opportunities mean more diversity!

Especially science relies on diverse approaches, perspectives and expertise in order to find solutions to the global challenges of our time, such as the energy crisis, climate change, or the mobility of the future.

Promoting equal opportunities is essential to win the brightest minds from all career stages for jobs in research, administration and technical support facilities as well as to support all employees to reach their full potential.

It is our mission to (further) develop innovative and effective measures on the way to more parity and to advance the topic of equal opportunities in strategic projects. Therefore, the President is responsible for and accompanies the topic.

In fulfilment of their legal duties and participation rights, KIT's Equal Opportunities Officers are involved in all matters relating to equal opportunities and play a key advisory and supervisory role. On behalf of the President, the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management (CDM) initiates and designs new measures and projects for more equal opportunities or develops and implements existing activities. In particular, within the scope of their right of initiative, they provide new impetus to further promote equal opportunities at KIT.

But What Does that Actually Mean for Us?

Cultural Change

The lived cultural change at KIT serves as a catalyst for our work on equal opportunities – for this, we rely on participatory processes, gender sensitization, and the development of gender competence.

Career Promotion

At KIT, we live equality of opportunity and offer excellent women of every experience level and nationality attractive career paths.

Further Development

We are successfully advancing our work on equal opportunities – for this, we establish equal opportunity measures based on extensive analyses and evaluations.

People at KIT

Grafic with following numbers: At KIT from all over the world: 21% international students, 30% international scientists, 19% international employees. Age distribution: 31% under 30, 26% 31 to 40, 15% 41 to 50, 28% over 50 years

The diversity dashboard gives you an overview of how diverse KIT is and how KIT employees feel about diversity.


to the dashboard 

Percentage of women at KIT

29% female students, 55% science supporting staff, 30% in technical services, 45% female heads of service units, 28,95% international scientists

19% female professors, 27% female professors under 50 years, 34& appointments, 32% female PhD students, 3,34% employees with severe disabilities

Highlights: Strategic projects


Testimonials: Voices from KIT

"There are equal opportunities for all students, staff and professors at KIT, regardless of gender, nationality or appearance. When I supervise students or younger scientists, it is important for me to take their diversity into account and to communicate with them personally and give advice that matches their own interests and personality."


JProf. Dr. Xian Liao

Institute for Analysis


"The high proportion of male students at KIT also contributes in part to the fact that young people like to refer to the city of Karlsruhe as "Kerlsruhe". The reason for this is the technical and scientific studies, which have so far attracted more men. I see that this is exactly where KIT starts with the topic of equal opportunities in order to counteract the prejudices and to promote change. Through offers such as Girls' Day, study ambassadors, and student labs, young women are made aware that these courses of study are also open to them. Cultural diversity is also present at KIT, which sheds a different light on the importance of equal opportunities in my everyday university life."


Janina Zhang

Student engineering education B.Sc.


"For me, equal opportunities are an important aspect when choosing an employer - and at KIT, many people are already committed to equal opportunities in science and administration! I think that's great, and it has to become a matter of course. Personally, I already get in touch with the topic of equal opportunities on a daily basis and enjoy it a lot: when accompanying scientists towards the next career step or as a trainer of workshops."


Ines Köhler

Personnel development consultant & diversity trainer


"I myself have three daughters aged 16, 19 and 24, so the issue of equal opportunities is very important to me personally. The KIT particularly impressed me with the good working atmosphere and the interaction between the colleagues - everyone is welcome everywhere."


Uwe Weber

IT administration IPEK


"Equal opportunities at KIT mean for me to focus on the value of the work and not on gender, origin or faith. I am respected and appreciated for my work both at KIT and at my institute."


Monika Jans

Manager Technical Services IPEK


"Diversity enables creativity. Everyone can equally support and contribute to the values and goals of KIT and receive individual support in doing so. The active promotion of women, especially in the scientific and technical environment, is the way to achieve a balanced gender ratio."


Bettina Auer

Training Marketing


“I believe that equal opportunities do not mean only giving equal chances to everyone, but providing more support to the ones with less access to these chances. We must put more effort on empowering women already at school level, shifting the mentality that engineering is not a “only-boys-job”, but there are exceptionally talented female engineers examples, and that they can be as much talented as (if not more!) their male colleagues. With a clear equal opportunities mind-set KIT aims to attract exceptionally talented people, particularly female researchers, providing them the instruments and training for a successful engineering career.”


TT-Prof. Dr. -Ing. Giovanni De Carne

Head of the "Real Time System Integration" group


"I like working at KIT because the academic environment is attractive to me and KIT deals with socially relevant issues and global challenges such as climate, energy, and mobility. I particularly enjoy meeting a wide variety of people of all nationalities here, whether they are colleagues from the administration, researchers, or students. I learn something new every day, which is for me the most important thing about my job."


Tu-Mai Pham-Huu

Head International Communication


Contact Persons

Ines Köhler

Head of the Department for Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management