No life without light. But how does man take up light and how does this influence his well-being? Three presentations organized by the KIT Light Technology Institute (LTI) will explain the effect of light under physical, biological, and medical aspects, the heading being “Light and Health”. The event on coming Friday, July 10, 14 – 17 hrs, at the LTI lecture hall (university campus, Engesser Straße 13, building 30.34) will be open to the interested public.
The spectrum of topics covered will range from the processes of light perception and seeing colors to the role of the hormone melatonin in the sleep-wake cycle to novel lights based on nature as a model. It is the objective of the event attended by renowned experts to give an overview of basic conceptions of light research and present concrete applications.
The first presentation “Fundamentals of Biological Light Effects – From Science to Standardization” will be given by the Innovation Manager for Light and Health of OSRAM GmbH, Dr. Andreas Wojtysiak. After this, Dieter Lang, who is working in the field of research and development of OSRAM, will talk about the “Application of Biological Effects of Light – Light Sources and Their Use”.
Physician Dr. Dieter Kunz, chief physician of the sleep laboratory of the Charité at Berlin, will finally explain the “Physiobiological Effect of Light under Medical Aspects”. It will be focused among others on the influence of the light-dark cycle on the inner clock as well as on therapeutic applications of light. Admission will be free. Registration is not required.