In Physics and information science, KIT is in the top group of German universities that are strong in research. This is obvious from the 2009 CHE research ranking that has now been updated for natural sciences. Information science is new in the ranking. In physics, KIT is in the top group for the third time in series.
Instead of indicating individual ranks, the CHE (Center for University Development) identifies top groups in individual subjects based on indicators, such as third-party funds, publications, PhDs, and inventions. Both absolute values as well as values per scientist are used to determine the research output as well as the efficiency. The reputation determined by interviews of professors is added as additional information.
In physics, KIT reaches top positions for six of eight indicators and, hence, the highest value in the top group of twelve universities. In addition, it is top in reputation. In information science, KIT reaches top positions in all four indicators and, thus, also belongs to the best of the ten universities in the top group. KIT’s reputation in information science also is excellent.
Every three years, data for certain subjects are recollected by the CHE. In 2009, the research ranking was updated in natural sciences, mathematics, pharmaceutics, medicine, and dentistry. In the 2009 CHE research ranking, KIT is in the top group of universities strongest in research in the subjects of physics, information science, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, process technology, electrical engineering, and information technology.
Further information can be found at
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is a public corporation and state institution of Baden-Württemberg. It fulfills the mission of a university and the mission of a national research center of the Helmholtz Association. KIT focuses on a knowledge triangle that links the tasks of research, teaching, and innovation.
This press release is available on the internet at
Press Release 140/2009
Strength in Research Confirmed
KIT in the Top Group of the 2009 CHE Research Ranking in Physics and Information Science
lg, December 09, 2009
Christian Könemann
Chief Press Officer
Phone: +49 721 608-41105
Fax: +49 721 608-43658
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Monika Landgraf
Press Officer
Phone: +49 721 608-21150
Fax: +49 721 608-41150
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Press Officer
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