Coronavirus / COVID-19: Event Cancellations at KIT

According to an ordinance of the state of Baden-Württemberg (CoronaVO of March 17, 2020), all public meetings and other gatherings are initially prohibited until June 15, 2020.

Studies at the universities are expected to be suspended until April 19, 2020. Online offers are still possible.

Appointments and service meetings are permitted at KIT if they are necessary to maintain the operation of KIT or its organizational units. When assessing how necessary or urgent an appointment is, the type, time necessity, urgency, significance, participants, and location must be taken into account.

If necessary, the risk of infection can be reduced with appropriate measures. Measures could be: sensitization of the participants in the run-up and behavioral tips or notice, regular ventilation, larger event room and more.

The Microsoft Teams software for online collaboration of groups (chat, meetings, video conferences, notes, joint file editing and exchange, and to-do's) is now also available:

The DFNconf service of DFN-Verein offers users in the science sector the possibility to use video, audio and web conferences (as long as capacities are available).

Please also note the questions and answers regarding the handling of the coronavirus and the information page of the KIT Medical Services. Both websites are permanently updated.

del, 20.03.2020