KIT Annual Report 2020: Corona, KIT Further Development Act, or PoF IV
The year 2020 was both eventful and challenging: The coronavirus pandemic and its impacts on workflows, research, and academic education were successfully mastered thank to the great commitment of our staff. These challenges and achievements will be presented in several chapters of the Annual Report.
An outstanding highlight of the year concerns the further development of KIT: Before Christmas, the Baden-Württemberg State Parliament discussed the 2nd KIT Further Development Act in a first reading. Meanwhile, this Act has been adopted. The State and Federal Government signed a corresponding administrative agree-ment at the beginning of 2021. Thus, KIT can make a big step forward in its unique role as the Research Uni-At the turn of the year, the national research centers of the Helmholtz Association started a new program-oriented funding period of seven years, PoF IV.
These and many other highlights of KIT’s work will be dealt with in the Annual Report: Highlights of last year’s research, academic education, and innovation, support of early-stage researchers and international affairs, and an insight into life and work at KIT. For the first time, the Annual Report contains a separate chapter on sustainability. Another section covers the many prizes and honors granted to employees of KIT.
The 2020 Annual Report is available online or a printed copy can be requested from info ∂does-not-exist.kit edu.
jh, August 19, 2021