How to Reach Karlsruhe by Plane

The nearest airports for long-distance visitors are Stuttgart, Frankfurt, and Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden.

Airport Stuttgart

Take tram line S2 or S3 to Hauptbahnhof Stuttgart, then change to a train to Karlsruhe (for exact times of departure, please refer to the train schedule of German Rail).

  • There are various ways to reach Campus North or Campus South by bus or tram. The exact times of departure are available on the website of Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund.
  • If you wish to proceed to Campus North or Campus South by car, make sure to approach us from the east.
  • Check the website of Stuttgart Airport for flight connections.

Airport Frankfurt

  • The long-distance train station is in close proximity of the airport. Once you get there, take a train to Karlsruhe (for exact times of departure, please refer to the train schedule of German Rail).
  • There are various ways to reach Campus North or Campus South by bus or tram. The exact times of departure are available on the website of Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund.
  • If you wish to proceed to Campus North or Campus South by car, make sure to approach us from the north.
  • Check the website of Frankfurt Airport for flight connections.

Airport Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden (Baden-Airpark)

  • The buses available at Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden Airport will take you to the train stations of Rastatt or Baden-Baden where you will find trains leaving to Karlsruhe. The Baden-Airpark-Express line will take you to Karlsruhe Hauptbahnhof.
  • There are various ways to reach Campus North or Campus South by bus or tram. The exact times of departure are available on the website of Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund.
  • If you wish to proceed to Campus North or Campus South by car, make sure to approach us from the south/southwest.
  • Check the website of Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden Airport for flight connections.