Press Release 117/2010

Making Women Fit for Management Positions

Network Day of the Advanced Training Series “Women in Management Positions” (FiF) - Information on FiF Offers
Fit für die Karriere: der Netzwerktag macht Frauen in Führungspositionen stark. (Foto: KIT)
Fit for the career: The Network Day makes women fit for management positions. (Photo: KIT)

Accompanying women on their ways to a career – this is the objective of the advanced training series “Women in Manage-ment Positions” (FiF). Within the framework of the FiF series, a Network Day will be organized under the heading of “Can Women Do Everything – Except for a Career?” on October 08, 2010, 16.00 hrs. The program will comprise an interactive work-shop and a discussion forum, both directed by the psychologist Elisabeth Westermann.

The FiF Network Day on October 08, 2010, will provide all interested persons and female managers to be with the opportunity to familiar-ize with the FiF offers and to inform themselves about training con-tents and objectives. The Network Day is part of the contact study course offered by the KIT Staff Development Unit for the education and advanced training of female managers. On the international and national levels, female managers are in the minority compared to their male competitors. Female managers to be and women already working on the management level can enhance their management competencies and, hence, improve their chances in the contact study course that will start on October 15. Training will cover among others management competencies, presentation techniques, and conflict and process management, with particular attention being paid to the self-marketing of female managers.

Women who have passed the contact study course in past years will have the chance to do “networking” at the discussion forum fol-lowing the workshop. Here, they are invited exchange experience with other contact study course participants and female managers. Networking is an important constituent of the contact study course. “The participants meet once per year in order to maintain contact. This enhances exchange and strengthens the network,” says Sabrina Heinze, contact person for the contact study course. Information will also be available at the FiF booth. Snacks will be offered. Registra-tion costs for the Network Day amount to EUR 30.

Further information is provided at:


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sk, 01.10.2010

Christian Könemann
Chief Press Officer
Phone: +49 721 608-41105
Fax: +49 721 608-43658
christian koenemann does-not-exist.kit edu

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