No. | Date | Title |
186 | 20.12.2011 | Not Only Invisible, but Also Inaudible KIT Researchers Transfer the Concept of an Optical Invisibility Cloak to Sound Waves |
185 | 15.12.2011 | BioBoost – Boost of Biomass-based Energy Production of High-quality Engine-compatible Fuels and Chemicals |
184 | 14.12.2011 | Top Results in Worldwide Ranking KIT Is the Best German University in Engineering and Natural Sciences – Ranking Published by the National Taiwan University Is Based on Publication Data |
183 | 14.12.2011 | Towards a Therapy to Healing Stroke KIT Biologists Supply Major Results for Understanding the Thalamus, the “Relay Center” of the Brain |
182 | 13.12.2011 | Millions for Research-oriented Teaching Under Their Program for More Quality in Teaching, the Federation and Federal States Support the KIT Proposal for an Early Integration of Students in Research Projects |
181 | 08.12.2011 | Leibniz Prize for Peter Sanders KIT Scientist Is One of the Key Persons for the Effective Use of Algorithms in Informatics |
180 | 07.12.2011 | Euro Crisis and Rating Agencies Current Challenges Associated with the Financial Market Crisis Will Be in the Focus of the 12th Symposium for the Finance Sector, Banks, and Insurance Companies |
179 | 05.12.2011 | Novel Computer Systems for Automobiles, Trains, and Aircraft Federal Research Minister Annette Schavan Supports Funding of Electronic Systems of the Future - Cooperation between Science and Industry |
178 | 05.12.2011 | New Collective Agreements Concluded Rights of Employees Are Protected – KIT Becomes Employer |
177 | 02.12.2011 | GLORIA: Unique Climate Research Experiment Worldwide Measurement Campaign in the Arctic to Start in December/Precise Data from the Atmosphere |
176 | 29.11.2011 | What Students Can Do to Fight Stress Guidebook of the House of Competence with Results of Interdisciplinary Studies on Stress Reduction – Workshop “Studying after Bologna – Competences and Conse-quences” on December 06 and 07 |
175 | 29.11.2011 | Eucor Medal for Tomi Ungerer For Special Merits in Border-crossing Cooperation – Ceremony at KIT |
174 | 25.11.2011 | Science Communication 2.0 Two-day Symposium on Science Communication and New Media with Film Premiere and Vernissage |
173 | 23.11.2011 | Reflections of Technology by the Humanities Series of Lectures Focuses on the Changed Relations between the Humanities and Natural and Engineering Sciences |
172 | 21.11.2011 | Carl Benz Lecture on the Future of Education of Engineers Speakers from Industry and Research Will Give an Outlook on Technologies and Mobility Concepts in the 21st Century |
171 | 18.11.2011 | Brazil Relies on Evaluation Concept of KIT Universidade de Pernambuco Introduces Teaching Quality Index – KIT also Wins Invitation to Tender of the Vietnamese-German University at Ho-Chi-Minh City |
170 | 16.11.2011 | Preventing Municipal Road Damage KIT Colloquium on Scientific, Technical, Planning, and Political Aspects |
169 | 15.11.2011 | Intelligent Light Warns of Dangers of Collision Innovative Driver Assistance System for More Safety on Roads at Night |
168 | 14.11.2011 | Underground Water Reservoirs for the Jordan Valley Israeli, Palestinian, Jordanian, and German Researchers Cooperate under the SMART Project |
167 | 10.11.2011 | Phosphorus Recovery from Sludge Concentrate Mobile Use of the Process Developed by the KIT Competence Center for Material Moisture |
166 | 09.11.2011 | New Large Facility for Severe Weather Research KIT Commissions KITcube |
165 | 08.11.2011 | 125 Years Discovery of Electromagnetic Waves On November 11, 1886, Heinrich Hertz for the First Time Performed His Pioneer Experiment / Birth of Radio, TV, Mobile Radio Communication, and WLAN |
164 | 08.11.2011 | Physicist Alexey Ustinov Acquires Russian Mega Grant The CFN Scientist Is Granted EUR 3.5 Million for the “Superconducting Metamaterials“ Project |
163 | 07.11.2011 | Flexible Rack Systems Sort Molecules Researchers Develop New Process with Porous Molecular Organic Frameworks (MOFs) - Relevant to the Production of Pharmaceuticals |
162 | 05.11.2011 | KIT Is Growing at an Enormous Speed 2011 Annual Academic Celebration: More than 3100 Ph. D. Students Are Conducting Research at KIT |
161 | 04.11.2011 | About 22,500 Students at KIT In the 2011/2012 Winter Semester, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Will Have as Many Students as Never Before |
160 | 03.11.2011 | Patenting of Software – Bane or Boon? Various Disciplines Will Meet for the Karlsruhe Dialog on Technology and Law on November 17 |
159 | 02.11.2011 | Smelling Campus Air: Information Days at KIT At the Event “Uni für Einsteiger“, KIT Will Present Itself to Pupils on November 16 and 17. Information on Scholarships on November 09 |
158 | 02.11.2011 | KIT - Astronaut Day Space Shuttle Crew on November 10th at KIT Audimax |
157 | 28.10.2011 | Korea: Interesting Research Partner for KIT KIT and the Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Establish Strategic Scientific Cooperation |
156 | 27.10.2011 | KIT and Heidelberg University Cooperate Establishment of the “Heidelberg Karlsruhe Research Partnership“ as a Joint Scientific Institution |
155 | 27.10.2011 | The Global Question – Subject of the Colloquium Fundamentale Series of Presentations in the Winter Semester Focuses on Positive and Negative Aspects of Globalization |
154 | 21.10.2011 | Kinks in the Knee KIT’s KASCADE-Grande Experiment Unravels a Mystery of Cosmic Rays |
153 | 21.10.2011 | Women Expedite Business Success New Study: German Companies Profit from a High Proportion of Female Executives |
152 | 20.10.2011 | Navigation Device Shows Blind People the Way A Student and a Graduate of KIT Win the “European Satellite Navigation Competition” |
151 | 19.10.2011 | Fluoride Shuttle Increases Storage Capacity KIT Researchers Develop New Concept for Rechargeable Batteries |
150 | 18.10.2011 | New Reading Device for Blind People Development of a Microfluidic Display within a Highly Innovative Project Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
149 | 13.10.2011 | Battery Research: Bionics Reduces Filling Time KIT Technology Significantly Reduces Production Costs of Lithium-ion Cells |
148 | 12.10.2011 | Start of Competence Center for IT Security Opening of KASTEL – Keynote Speaker Is Dr. Georg Schabhüser, Head of the Department of Cryptotechnology of the Federal Office for Information Security |
147 | 11.10.2011 | Official Start of the Celitement Pilot Plant 100 kg of the Environmentally Compatible Cement Daily - Commissioning Is an Important Step to Maturity – Selected Place in the Land of Ideas |
146 | 07.10.2011 | KA-RaceIng Is Overall Winner KIT Students Team Wins International Construction Competition for Electric Vehicles |
145 | 06.10.2011 | Start of Studies at KIT Welcome of Freshmen at the Kongresszentrum Karlsruhe |
144 | 29.09.2011 | BELLA – Research for Future Batteries Official Opening of the Joint Laboratory of KIT and BASF |
143 | 26.09.2011 | KIT Acquires Two New Helmholtz Young Investigators Groups The Selected Scientists Conduct Research into Superconducting Materials and Biosphere/Atmosphere Exchange |
142 | 23.09.2011 | Algae as a Sustainable Source of Energy KIT Is Partner of the New European “Energetic Algae“ Project |
141 | 21.09.2011 | Weather 2.0: Extreme Weather Forecast in Particular Can Be Improved COPS Project of the University of Hohenheim and KIT Supplies New Fundamental Knowledge / Press Conference Takes Stock of the Largest Project for Precipitation Forecast Worldwide / http://cops/ |
140 | 19.09.2011 | Energy Supply from the User’s Point of View New Helmholtz Alliance Studies Interfaces among Supply, Infrastructures, and Demand |
139 | 16.09.2011 | Startup Competition in Karlsruhe KIT Students Group PionierGarage Will Organize the First STARTup Live RhineValley in Karlsruhe from September 23 to 25, 2011 |
138 | 13.09.2011 | Career Paths and Quotas: Days on Women in Business at KIT KIT Participates in the State-wide Event with Podium Discussions on October 13 and 14 |
137 | 09.09.2011 | IAA 2011: Reducing Costs of Electric Vehicle Batteries KIT Closes Gaps in the Innovation Chain of Electromobility / Reference Factory Planned as Devel-opment Platform for Industry and Science |
136 | 07.09.2011 | Safe and Economically Efficient Roads “Road Operation” Colloquium with Technical Exhibition on September 13 and 14 at KIT |
135 | 02.09.2011 | audriga: Moving E-mail Accounts Among Cloud Providers Startup of KIT and FZI Is Granted Innovation Award by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology |
134 | 02.09.2011 | Day-care Center with 100 Places for KIT Children’s Universe to Start Operation in Late 2012 – Focus on Natural Sciences, Engineering, Physical Exercise, and Sports |
133 | 31.08.2011 | Start of the Helmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics KIT Coordinates Consortium of 22 Partners |
132 | 26.08.2011 | Startup Scene Karlsruhe: Technology Goes Business KIT, CyberForum, and PionierGarage Launch the Project “Research to Business LIVE“ |
131 | 17.08.2011 | First Visit of Research Minister Bauer at KIT Focus on Current Topics like Energy and Mobility – Presentation of New and Planned Projects during a Tour on the KIT Premises |
130 | 15.08.2011 | Nature: How the N2O Greenhouse Gas Is Decomposed For the First Time, Microbiologists Identified the Structure of the Bacterial Enzyme that Decomposes Nitrous Oxide and the Decomposition Mechanism |
129 | 09.08.2011 | Research without Animal Experiments Association of Physicians Honors Two KIT Scientists for Cell Modeling on Biochips |
128 | 03.08.2011 | Accelerated Imaging for Breast Cancer Diagnosis KIT Scientists Develop Technologies to Accelerate Imaging Processes |
127 | 26.07.2011 | Sensor for Decision Support at the Place of Accident New Device Detects Respiratory and Cardiovascular Arrest of Casualties – KIT Spin-off for Commercialization |
126 | 25.07.2011 | Face Recognition – Enhanced Security at the Soccer Stadium KIT Computer Scientists Develop a Method to Identify Persons Wanted in Video Streams |
125 | 19.07.2011 | Minister-President Kretschmann at KIT Visit of the Pilot Plant of Celitement GmbH for Environmentally Compatible Cement - Spin-off Is Example of KIT’s Cooperation with Industry |
124 | 15.07.2011 | Distinguishing Useful from Harmful Fungi KIT Botanists Discovered the SP7 Protein Controlling Useful Symbiosis – Potential Application in Sustainable Agriculture |
123 | 14.07.2011 | Gap in the Standard Model of Particle Physics? KIT Physicist Calculated Model Expectation for Fermilab Experiment, which Indicates Effects Beyond the Standard Model |
122 | 13.07.2011 | KIT Library Ranks in Third Place in Germany Excellent Ranking of the Infrastructure Offered and Cost Efficiency |
121 | 13.07.2011 | Railway, Chocolate Ice Cream, and Fireflies 9th KIT Children’s University Will Start on August 5 |
120 | 12.07.2011 | KIT Footballers Win 2011 University Bowl Karlsruhe Engineers Win American Football Tournament over HSU Snipers from Hamburg and Mannheim Knights |
119 | 12.07.2011 | Intelligent Wallpaper Wins in the “Land of Ideas“ Textile Wallpaper Stabilizes Buildings against Earthquakes/Award Ceremony on July 15 |
118 | 11.07.2011 | Open Dialog about Energy Technologies Citizens Workshop at KIT on July 26 – Part of the Citizens Dialog on Future Technologies Initiated by the Federal Ministry of Research |
117 | 08.07.2011 | Pooled Competence for Electromobility Marketable Innovations by Low-cost Component Fabrication Processes/ KIT Pools Competences Relating to Electric Power Trains for Cooperation with Industry |
116 | 07.07.2011 | More Efficient Data Analysis for Web Shops KIT Students Win International Competition on Data Analysis for the Development of an Algorithm for Product Recommendation in E-Commerce Systems |
115 | 06.07.2011 | Celitement® Is Granted Special Environmental Technology Award Award of the State of Baden-Württemberg Goes to the Environmentally Compatible Cement Developed by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
114 | 06.07.2011 | Heavyweights Put to Test KIT Scientists Test Mobile Work Machines and Commercial Vehicles |
113 | 02.07.2011 | Mobility Research at KIT More than 25,000 People Come to the Open Day of Mobility Research on KIT Campus East |
112 | 01.07.2011 | Railroad with Inductive Energy Transfer KIT Scientists Study Future Wireless Electricity Supply of Trams and Buses |
111 | 30.06.2011 | Science: Nature Uses Screws and Nuts With a Screw Thread as Joint, Weevils Move in Nature / Scientists from Karlsruhe Revealed Anatomy Using Synchrotron Computer Tomography |
110 | 30.06.2011 | Lautenschläger Research Award to Jochen Wittbrodt Award Goes to the Scientist from the KIT Institute of Toxicology and Genetics for His Work on the Development of Eyes in Vertebrates |
109 | 29.06.2011 | KIT Takes over the Archive of Works by Frei Otto Models of Architecture and Other Materials Exhibited at saai I Archive for Architecture and Engineering in Southwest Germany |
108 | 27.06.2011 | Late-night Information for Pupils Interested in Studies “Long Night of Counseling“ by the Students Counseling Center |
107 | 22.06.2011 | Applied Life Sciences in the Focus KIT Presents Health Research at the City Hall |
106 | 21.06.2011 | Future Mobility Open Day on July 2 on the New KIT Campus East – Mobility and Innovation |
105 | 21.06.2011 | Energy Engineering and Management Program about to start Innovative Studies Program at KIT’s HECTOR School for Young Executives in Industry |
104 | 21.06.2011 | Heiner Geißler Is Heinrich Hertz Guest Professor The Former Federal Minister Will Present Two Evening Lectures at KIT – Starting on June 28, 2011 |
103 | 20.06.2011 | ERC Starting Grants for Two KIT Scientists Funds for Projects on Terabit Communication and Peptide Arrays |
102 | 20.06.2011 | KARIS Is Winner in the Land of Ideas Institute for Material Handling and Logistics Celebrates Award’s Ceremony with an Open Day on Next Wednesday |
101 | 20.06.2011 | Self-assembling Electronic Nano-components The July Issue of Nature Materials Describes the Function of an Innovative Tiny Component Developed by Researchers of KIT’s Institute of Nanotechnology Together with a Team of European Scientists. |
100 | 16.06.2011 | Visolas Wins CyberOne Award Spin-off Founded by Researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Is Granted Award for the Best Research Commercialization in 2011 by Independent Expert Jury |
099 | 16.06.2011 | Rapeseed Oil Enables Trains to Run More Environmentally Friendly Engine and Fuel Experts Study Use of Fuels Based on Vegetable Oil in Rail Cars and Ships |
098 | 14.06.2011 | Safe Decisions after Chemical Transportation Accidents KIT Economists Develop System for Strategic Emergency Management |
097 | 10.06.2011 | Systematic Approach to Mobility Solutions X-in-the-Loop Validation Environment to Analyze and Develop Vehicle Components under Consideration of the Entire System, Driver, and the Environment |
096 | 09.06.2011 | Gender and Technology – A Question of Culture? How do women stand their ground in “Male Domains“ like Natural Sciences and Engineering? Answers will be given by a series of presentations of experience at KIT from June 14, 2011 |
095 | 08.06.2011 | Competence Measurement Put to Test KIT’s House of Competence (HoC) Organizes Conference “Competences in Competence Measurement” Together With Two Sections of the German Sociological Association |
094 | 07.06.2011 | Thinking about Japan Scientific and Musical Event at KIT on the Occasion of the Japanese Natural Disaster and Reactor Accident at Fukushima in March This Year |
093 | 06.06.2011 | Energy Supply Structures in Europe Have to Grow Together Comment of the Helmholtz Energy Research Centers on the Discussion of Energy Policy |
092 | 06.06.2011 | WindForS Network Strengthens Wind Energy Research in South Germany Partners in Baden-Wuerttemberg and Bavaria start cooperation |
091 | 01.06.2011 | Many Transport Means Lead to the Destination KIT Study Confirms Slow Change of Everyday Mobility in Germany – Less Young Car Drivers – More Users Change among Transport Means as Needed |
090 | 31.05.2011 | Establishing International Contacts by Bike tourEUCOR Will Take Place from June 9 to 13 in Germany, France, and Switzerland. |
089 | 30.05.2011 | Maximilian Haider Is Granted Wolf Prize for Physics High Merits in Electron Microscopy – Israel’s State President Shimon Peres Handed over the Prize on May 29 in Jerusalem |
088 | 26.05.2011 | More Comfort, Safety, and Energy Efficiency – in the Car and on the Road KIT Researchers Work on Improved Vehicle Functions and Noise Reduction Methods |
087 | 25.05.2011 | Without Power Into Disaster Current Study Confirms Dependence of High-tech Societies on Reliable Power Grids |
086 | 24.05.2011 | New Search Technology for Environmental Portals Quicker and Easier Access to Environmental Information on the Internet |
085 | 24.05.2011 | SiMoNa Optimizes Organic Light-emitting Diodes Researchers Develop Method to Simulate Customized OLEDs / Startup of KIT |
084 | 23.05.2011 | World Record in Ultra-Rapid Data Transmission Transfer of 700 DVDs in One Second Only – Highest Bit Rate on a Laser |
083 | 20.05.2011 | Erna Scheffler Sponsorship Award for KIT Graduates Karlsruhe Soroptimist Club Grants Awards to a Particle Physicist and a Biologist |
082 | 20.05.2011 | Successful Studies of Mathematics, Informatics, Natural Sciences, and Engineering Joint Course of Lectures of KIT and Stuttgart University to Be Funded under the “Pact for Teaching Quality” by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
081 | 19.05.2011 | From Sketch Pad to Patent Application KIT Students of Mechanical Engineering Developed a System to Reduce Emissions of Combustion Engines |
080 | 18.05.2011 | Designer Fuel from Straw bioliq® Celebrates Topping-out Ceremony for the Complete Process Chain – Maximum Compatibility of the End Product with the Engine Is the Goal |
079 | 17.05.2011 | European Science Culture Award Granted to Joachim Knebel Award of the European Foundation for Culture Handed over to the KIT Expert in Berlin Today |
078 | 17.05.2011 | Nanomaterials in Focus Bosch Group Finances Professorship for Nanostructured Functional Materials at KIT |
077 | 16.05.2011 | Karlsruhe Invisibility Cloak: Disappearing Visibly CFN Scientists at KIT Achieve Optical Invisibility in the Visible Light Spectrum |
076 | 13.05.2011 | KIT Humans and Technology Focus Starts Opening Ceremony at the Tollhaus Karlsruhe Cultural Center with Klaus Töpfer Speaking |
075 | 12.05.2011 | Excellent Environmental Research Savings Bank Foundation and KIT Grant Environmental Awards to Young KIT Scientists |
074 | 10.05.2011 | Progress of Phosphorus Recycling Path-breaking Project in Bavaria: Technical and Scientific Coordination by KIT – Pilot Plant Starts Operation |
073 | 09.05.2011 | Drafting without Drivers KIT Researchers and the AnnieWAY Autonomous Vehicle Take Part in First Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge GCDC |
072 | 06.05.2011 | German-Hungarian University Days Information on Studies and Research in Hungary – 40 Years Partnership between KIT and TWU Budapest |
071 | 06.05.2011 | Honorary Doctorate for KIT President Hippler For His Commitment to German-French Relations, Professor Horst Hippler Is Granted the Honorary Doctorate by the École nationale supérieure d’arts et métiers (ENSAM), Member of ParisTech |
070 | 04.05.2011 | High Efficiency and Low Emissions Researchers of the KIT Mobility Systems Center Work on Improved Combustion Engines |
069 | 02.05.2011 | With KIT to the Top Das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie stellt als neuer Partner des beliebten Karlsruher Volkslaufs „Badische Meile“ die größte Laufgruppe |
068 | 26.4.2011 | Tracking down Antimatter in the Universe On April 29, the AMS-02 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Takes off for the ISS International Space Station |
067 | 21.04.2011 | Highest Performance for Tomorrow’s Energy Systems Energy Solution Center Starts Projects to Use High-Performance Computing in the Energy Sector |
066 | 20.04.2011 | E-volution – The Future of Mobility Students Organize Industry and Technology Forum at KIT |
065 | 19.04.2011 | On the Fast Track? Mobility and Society From the Electronic Vehicle to Stuttgart 21: The Colloquium Fundamentale Focuses on Issues Mov-ing Us |
064 | 18.04.2011 | HR Managers Rank KIT Informatics in First Place Engineering and Natural Sciences also Reach Good Results in the WirtschaftsWoche Ranking |
063 | 18.04.2011 | Being the Boss also Is a Woman’s Domain Information Meeting on Contact Studies “Frauen in Führungspositionen“ (FiF, Women in Executive Positions) |
062 | 15.04.2011 | From Research Model to an Instrument Used by Weather Services How Do Ash Plumes Disperse? KIT Meteorologists and Climate Researchers Improve Observation and Forecast Methods |
061 | 14.04.2011 | Promotion of Young Scientists Additional Helmholtz Graduate and Research Schools for Structured Training of Ph. D. Students at KIT |
060 | 14.04.2011 | Towards a More Efficient Use of Solar Energy Fundamental Findings about the Processes in Photoelectrochemical Cells Published by KIT Scientists in Physical Review Letters |
059 | 12.04.2011 | More Autonomy for KIT The Federal Republic of Germany and State Agree on Basic Elements for the Further Development of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
058 | 11.04.2011 | Greenhouse Gases from Forest Soils Reactive Nitrogen Causes Much Higher Climate-damaging Nitrous Oxide Emissions in European Forests than Previously Estimated by the IPCC |
057 | 11.04.2011 | Felix Burda Award for KIT Cancer Prevention Initiative German Cancer Prevention Award Granted to Volker List and Andrea Stahl from the Medical Ser-vices Unit of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
056 | 08.04.2011 | Fundamental Research into Nanomaterials Professor Herbert Gleiter Elected Fellow of the Materials Research Society |
055 | 30.03.2011 | Support of Decision-makers in Disaster Management KIT and Fraunhofer Institute Agree on Strategic Partnership |
054 | 29.03.2011 | KIT Presents Innovations at the 2011 Hannover Messe Porsche Racing Car as a Laboratory – Battery Research – Printable Electronics – KIC InnoEnergy |
053 | 29.03.2011 | Karlsruhe: City of Microbes for Four Days Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology from April 3 to 6 in Karlsruhe |
052 | 25.03.2011 | Less CO2 Emissions of Large Power Plants KIT and Siemens Launch Research Project on Superconducting Generators |
051 | 25.03.2011 | Advancing Jointly The KIT Start-up Network Offers an Information Portal for Founders and Persons Interested in Founding a New Enterprise at KIT and Outside |
050 | 22.03.2011 | News about the World Machine Congress of the German Physical Society in Karlsruhe |
049 | 21.03.2011 | Joint KIT Statutes Adopted Rules for the Organization and further Development of KIT |
048 | 21.03.2011 | Third Dimension of Specific Cell Cultivation CFN Scientists Develop Two-component Polymer Scaffolds for Controlled Three-dimensional Cell Culture |
047 | 18.03.2011 | Holistic Approach to Future Mobility Electric Power Trains and Energy Storage Were in the Focus of the 2011 KIT Annual Reception |
046 | 17.03.2011 | Daimler AG, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg Launch PhD Re-search Group Daimler and KIT Extend Cooperation in the Field of Electromobility with State Funding |
045 | 16.03.2011 | More Rooms for Students Extension of Hans Dickmann Compound by 48 Units with Funds of the Schroff Foundations |
044 | 16.03.2011 | Polymer Brushes with Miniproteins Protect Implants KIT Scientist Developed in Cooperation with Colleagues from the University of British Columbia a Biocompatible Coating for Implants, which could prevent biofilm formation of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa for one week under laboratory conditions. |
043 | 15.03.2011 | Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan – Consequences for Nuclear Facilities at Fukushima KIT Establishes Working Groups to Evaluate the Events |
042 | 14.03.2011 | New Battery Material for Electric Vehicles Technology Based on Iron-Carbon – For Accumulators of Much Higher Energy Density |
041 | 11.03.2011 | KIT Instruments Measure Earthquake in Japan Geophysicists Measure Displacements of the Ground in the Upper Rhine Valley |
040 | 11.03.2011 | Record Ozone Hole above the North Pole Stable Atmospheric Polar Vortex above the Arctic Causes Extreme Ozone Decomposition in 2011 |
039 | 07.03.2011 | How to Make Proteins Happy KIT PhD Students Björn Waterkotte and Dorothea Helmer Win “Science Slam“ |
038 | 03.03.2011 | Gerd Schön Is Granted Fritz London Memorial Prize KIT Scientist Is Honored for His Theoretical Work on Superconductivity in Nanostructures |
037 | 02.03.2011 | Excellence Initiative II: KIT with Three New Proposals in the Final Two Graduate Schools for Informatics Engineering and Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics – Cluster of Excellence in the Field of Dependable Software |
036 | 02.03.2011 | Optimizing the Climate Balance of Biofuels KIT Environmental Researchers Identify Possibilities to Reduce the Greenhouse Gas Emission of Bioethanol Production from Sugar Cane. |
035 | 01.03.2011 | When the Washing Machine Talks to the Power Plant Peer Energy Cloud Wins Trusted Cloud Competition of the Federal Ministry of Economics. Innova-tive Development of Cloud Enabled Smart Energy Micro Grids Is Envisaged. |
034 | 01.03.2011 | Impacts of Disasters on Logistics Systems Scientists and Logistic Expertes Developt Strategies for Responding to Emergency Situations |
033 | 28.02.2011 | Successful Stage Debut of Young Researchers Winners of the Baden-Wuerttemberg FameLab: Ph. D. Students Steinke and Suwelack from KIT and Jarvis from the Freiburg Bernstein Center Presented Three Minutes Science Live |
032 | 28.02.2011 | KIT Will Be Competence Center for IT Security Federal Ministry of Education and Research Will Fund KASTEL |
031 | 22.02.2011 | Science plus Management Three Years PhD and Two Degrees: New Program at KIT Combines PhD and MBA Training |
030 | 21.02.2011 | Smallest Magnetic Field Sensor in the World KIT Researchers Study the Use of Organic Molecules as Electronic Components in Cooperation with French Scientists |
029 | 18.02.2011 | Pooled Materials Research at KIT Newly Founded Institute for Applied Materials Will Pool the Competencies of KIT Materials Re-searchers to Advance Research Objectives |
028 | 17.02.2011 | Students Give Impetus to Industry Close-to-Practice Education Is in the Focus of “Integrated Product Development” at KIT: Students Present Their Waste Paper Treatment Ideas |
027 | 17.02.2011 | Catch Ideas! Fourth Congress on “Moving Kids – Using Energies” from February 17 to 19, 2011 on KIT Campus South |
026 | 17.02.2011 | New Method for Unraveling Molecular Structures Scientists of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Technische Universität München Unveil Molecule Structure by Measuring Residual Bipolar Couplings |
025 | 16.02.2011 | Software –Raw Material of the Information Era KIT Organizes Largest Software Engineering Conference in the German-speaking Countries: At the “SE 2011“, Developers and Users Discuss the Current Status and Future of Software Engineering |
024 | 15.02.2011 | KIT Media Library Is Online New Portal Presents Multi-media Contributions Relating to Research, Education, and Innovation at KIT |
023 | 10.02.2011 | Two KIT Researchers on Their Way to the Top Stefanie Speidel and Elena Pancera Are Supported by the Margarete von Wrangell Program |
022 | 09.02.2011 | HomER Computes on Encrypted Data Watch Whom You Trust: The KIT Informatics Innovation Center (IIC) Presents Its HomER Pilot Project for Computing on Encrypted Data. |
021 | 08.02.2011 | X-Rays Reveal that Ancient Snakes Had Legs Using Synchrotron Radiation, a German-French Research Team Has Obtained Hints Regarding the Genealogical Tree of Snakes |
020 | 07.02.2011 | Hector Research Award Goes to Jürg Leuthold KIT Scientist Is Granted Award for Excellent Work in the Field of High-speed Data Transmission |
019 | 03.02.2011 | Karlsruhe from Google’s Perspective The 15th Karlsruhe Dialogues Focus on the Internet – Presentations, Discussions, and Cultural Program from February 11 to 13, 2011 |
018 | 02.02.2011 | Construction Sites – Safe and Without Traffic Jams Colloquium on Safety in Road Traffic: Safe Design of Long-term Construction Sites, Country Roads, and Motorway Junctions |
017 | 31.01.2011 | Knowledge Is Power New RESEARCH TO BUSINESS Online Market of KIT Offers Exploitable Technologies and Cooperation Options to Industry |
016 | 28.01.2011 | Tracing Greenhouse Gases DFG Approval of an Emmy Noether Junior Research Group at KIT |
015 | 27.01.2011 | He Invented It! Carl Benz’s Motor Vehicle Was Patented 125 Years Ago – Mobility Will Remain in the Focus of KIT |
014 | 27.01.2011 | Efficient Energy Use in Cities and Municipalities Contract for the CONCERTO Premium EU Initiative Awarded to Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum |
013 | 26.01.2011 | Countdown for Three Minutes of Young Science FameLab International Science Slam Will Come to Karlsruhe |
012 | 25.01.2011 | Less Particle Emissions KIT Researchers investigate Soot Formation in Engines with Direct Fuel Injection |
011 | 21.01.2011 | BASF and KIT Develop Tomorrow’s Battery Materials Competence Center for Electrical Energy Stores to Be Extended at Karlsruhe |
010 | 21.01.2011 | Science and Engineering – For Women Only! Secondary-school Graduates Are Informed about Jobs in Research |
009 | 20.01.2011 | Digital Pest Control KIT Researchers Develop Methods to Detect Software Errors and to Reduce Development Times |
008 | 19.01.2011 | Close to Practice across All Disciplines Contact Studies on “Combined Sciences” for Teachers of Intermediate Schools |
007 | 18.01.2011 | Poor Countries Are Hit Harder by Earthquakes In 2010, About 200,000 People Died Due to Earthquakes Worldwide – KIT Researcher Submits Global Damage Report and Analyzes the Reasons |
006 | 17.01.2011 | Start of the Ulm Helmholtz Institute New Battery Technologies to Be in the Focus of the Research Facility of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Cooperation with Ulm University - Opening Ceremony with Federal Minister of Research Schavan and Minister President Stefan Mappus |
005 | 13.01.2011 | KIT Mobility Systems Focus Presents Itself KIT at the City Hall: Scientists Present Tomorrow’s Mobility Solutions in the Run-up of the 2011 Automotive Summer |
004 | 12.01.2011 | Customized Rubbers KIT Scientists Develop Novel Process for the Production of Special Rubbers in Cooperation with Lanxess Deutschland GmbH |
003 | 11.01.2011 | New Impulses for Surface Research American Humboldt Award Winner Ralph G. Nuzzo Will Spend a Several-months Research Period at KIT and at Bielefeld University |
002 | 11.01.2011 | Post-carbon Future Series of Lectures on “Firsthand Sustainability” Will Start on January 12 – “Post-carbon Future” Will Be in the Focus |
001 | 05.01.2011 | Optimal Use of Resources from Nature Nearly 2.5 Million Euros for Fundamental Research: European Research Council Awards Advanced Researcher Grant to KIT Botanist Holger Puchta |