Press Release 086/2016

Preparing for Studies by Brushing up Knowledge of Mathematics

New Edition of the Online Preparation Course of Mathematics at the MINT-Kolleg of KIT and Stuttgart University – with Mobile Device-Enabled Material
Taking up studies with a polished knowledge of mathematics – thanks to the online preparation course. (Photo: MINT-Kolleg, Stuttgart)

Studies in informatics, engineering, or natural sciences require a solid knowledge of the fundamentals of mathematics. The preparation course in mathematics allows future students to brush up their mathematical skills from school and close knowledge gaps. The MINT-Kolleg Baden-Württemberg, a joint venture of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Stuttgart University, played a leading role in the development of this course (available only in German).


The online preparation course in mathematics, subdivided into ten modules, comprises tests and learning units. The course contents are mainly in line with the mathematics taught at the intermediate and advanced levels of secondary schools, from fractions to integral calculus.


A beta version of the online course was tested in 2015 and its contents have been enhanced continuously based on the feedback from its users. “The recently revised, voluntary admission test helps course participants in assessing their current knowledge level and finding out how much they have to catch up on. It also recommends the chapters they need to work through primarily,” explains Dr. Claudia Goll, Director of MINT-Kolleg. What is more, the new graphic design enables participants to use their mobile devices when working on the online course.


Independent Modular Learning

Each module consists of a theoretical lesson that introduces the respective contents. It is supplemented by examples and ends with training questions. “The purpose of the training questions for each module is to provide a learning effect induced by repetition, as they can be regenerated again and again,” Goll says. This enables the participants to work intensely and autonomously on important math basics in order to brush up their skills.


Another new feature is that the participants can choose between the terminology used in school books and the mathematical terms commonly used at the university for their learning sessions. But, according to Goll, the material is also interesting for other target groups: Interested teachers and developers or higher education institutions are entitled to download the authoring tools and the course contents that are available under an open source license.


The mathematics online preparation course is available online at www.brü (in German only).


MINT-Kolleg Baden-Württemberg

MINT-Kolleg Baden-Württemberg is a joint initiative of Stuttgart University and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. It was established in 2011 to facilitate the start of first-year students in mathematics, informatics, natural sciences, and engineering and is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. MINT is the German version of STEM (acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). 


About TU9

TU9 is an alliance of nine leading German institutes of Technology: RWTH Aachen University, TU Berlin, TU Braunschweig, TU Darmstadt, TU Dresden, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, TU München, Stuttgart University.


About the VE&MINT Cooperation

The VE&MINT variant of the TU9 preparation course was created jointly by the MINT-Kolleg Baden Württemberg at KIT and Stuttgart University and the VE&MINT members. These are the universities of Kassel, Paderborn, Lüneburg, TU Darmstadt, Leibniz Universität Hannover, and TU Berlin.



Being “The Research University in the Helmholtz Association”, KIT creates and imparts knowledge for the society and the environment. It is the objective to make significant contributions to the global challenges in the fields of energy, mobility, and information. For this, about 10,000 employees cooperate in a broad range of disciplines in natural sciences, engineering sciences, economics, and the humanities and social sciences. KIT prepares its 22,800 students for responsible tasks in society, industry, and science by offering research-based study programs. Innovation efforts at KIT build a bridge between important scientific findings and their application for the benefit of society, economic prosperity, and the preservation of our natural basis of life. KIT is one of the German universities of excellence.

sk, 06.06.2016

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