Press Release 101/2023

Innovative Materials: NEO2023 Goes to Startup of KIT

Double Success in the Innovation Prize Competition of the Karlsruhe Technology Region: nanoshape GmbH Is Granted the Jury Prize, KIT’s Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics Wins the Prize of the Audience
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For their innovative surface technology for medical implants, nanoshape GmbH was granted the NEO2023 by the jury. (Photo: ©ARTIS Uli Deck )

Yesterday evening (November 30, 2023) nanoshape GmbH, a startup of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), won the NEO2023 Jury Prize in the amount of EUR 20,000 of the Karlsruhe Technology Region for its surface technology to prevent inflammations of implants. Researchers of KIT’s Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics (MVM) were granted the Prize of the Audience for their electrically conductive and printable adhesive that can be used in microelectronic and solar modules.  

“Materials are omnipresent in our everyday life and at work. On the way towards a sustainable future, innovative materials with smart properties are highly important and indispensable in research relating to climate change, sustainability, and the energy transition,” says Professor Oliver Kraft, Acting President of KIT. “I am very happy that a startup and a project of KIT won prizes in the NEO2023 competition. I congratulate both teams.”

“The NEO2023 prizes reflect the innovative capacity of our researchers. With this innovative power, they transfer findings to application and contribute decisively to the viability of our society. At KIT, we are very happy about the prizes for nanoshape and MVM,” says Professor Thomas Hirth, KIT Vice President Innovation and International Affairs.

Jury Prize for nanoshape: Anti-inflammatory Implants

nanoshape GmbH, a startup of KIT, develops innovative surface technology for medical implants. Their latest technology allows to modify the surface structure of medical implants on the nanolevel. As a result, it has an anti-bacterial effect without antibiotics or coatings with other materials being required. In addition, growth of the implant into the surrounding tissue is accelerated. In this way, protection against infections is improved. Presently, nanoshape is working on adapting their surface technology to the latest state of the art of implants, increasing the safety of implants, and reducing costs in the healthcare sector.

More Information:

Prize of the Audience for KIT’s MVM: Printable Adhesive for Solar Modules
Researchers from MVM have developed an electrically conductive and printable adhesive for microelectronic and solar modules. Instead of soldering, the adhesive is used to fix microchips on printed circuit boards and solar cells on photovoltaic modules. The adhesive is based on an innovative mix of materials: A polymer and a conductive metallic powder with a silver fraction are mixed with an immiscible liquid to form a capillary suspension. It has a high conductivity, while silver consumption is low. The suspension can be printed with conventional processes and is robust and durable.  

Der Publikumspreis ging ans Team des MVM: für einen Spezialkleber für Mikroelektronik und Solarmodule. (Foto: ©ARTIS Uli Deck)
The prize of the audience went to the team of MVM for a special adhesive
for microelectronic and solar modules. (Photo: ©ARTIS Uli Deck)

About NEO2023

The NEO Innovation Prize is granted by the Karlsruhe Technology Region (TRK) to promote innovative solutions that will influence our future life. Every year, the competition focuses on another discipline. The NEO2023 call for proposals was placed under the motto of “Development of Smart or Sustainable Materials.” It addressed novel materials that may contribute to a sustainable development or have smart properties.

More Information: (in German)


Being “The Research University in the Helmholtz Association”, KIT creates and imparts knowledge for the society and the environment. It is the objective to make significant contributions to the global challenges in the fields of energy, mobility, and information. For this, about 10,000 employees cooperate in a broad range of disciplines in natural sciences, engineering sciences, economics, and the humanities and social sciences. KIT prepares its 22,800 students for responsible tasks in society, industry, and science by offering research-based study programs. Innovation efforts at KIT build a bridge between important scientific findings and their application for the benefit of society, economic prosperity, and the preservation of our natural basis of life. KIT is one of the German universities of excellence.

ase, 01.12.2023

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