Sponsoring Associations
KIT Freundeskreis und Fördergesellschaft e. V.
The KIT Freundeskreis und Fördergesellschaft e. V. (KFG) wants to promote solidarity and communication at KIT, create close links between science and practice, deepen the relationships between teachers and students, honor special achievements in science and infrastructure - for example, by awarding the Heinrich Hertz Guest Professorship or the Otto Haxel Prizes - and maintain contact with those who want to participate in and shape the life of KIT. The KFG offers all those interested in research, teaching, innovation, and academic life the opportunity to actively support the KIT and to help shape campus life.
Gesellschaft zur Pflege wissenschaftlicher Kontakte im Hause "Heinrich Hertz" e. V.
The Gesellschaft zur Pflege wissenschaftlicher Kontakte im Hause ”Heinrich Hertz“ e.V., or Heinrich-Hertz-Gesellschaft, is an association that wants to promote the dialogue between science, economy, and government and to harness the respective knowledge and experience of these domains for general public. The objectives of the Heinrich-Hertz-Gesellschaft, among other things, include the support of young Karlsruhe academics by scholarships and the promotion of study or research stays in Germany or abroad. Besides, the association supports the operation of the house for KIT’s guest lecturers, the Gastdozentenhaus. Members of the Heinrich-Hertz-Gesellschaft are offered a varied program of lectures and visits to museums, scientific institutions, and business organizations.
Verein für die Kinder der Beschäftigten und Studierenden der Universität Karlsruhe e. V. – KiBU e. V.
KiBU intends to promote the care and support of children whose parents or single parent are employed or enrolled at universities in Karlsruhe. The childcare programs organized by KiBU to take place during school vacation keep the school children occupied with a diversified program of sports, crafting, and learning through play.
Hochschulgemeinschaft für Lichttechnik an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) e. V.
The Hochschulgemeinschaft für Lichttechnik is a lighting technology university community that supports teaching at the Lighting Technology Institute of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and in the Division of Building Physics and Building Installations of the Department of Architecture. The community was founded in 1921 by representatives of the lighting technology industry, the authorities, and the town councils to promote the scientific-technical fundamentals of lighting technology in teaching, research, and development and strengthen the link between industry and university.
Freunde der Versuchsanstalt für Stahl, Holz und Steine e. V.
The association Freunde der Versuchsanstalt für Stahl, Holz und Steine e. V. supports science and research in particular at the Research Center for Steel, Timber, and Masonry of the KIT. Annually it awards prizes to excellent diploma or master's theses in the area of steel and timber structures.