Starting Your Studies at KIT
The start of your studies marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life. At the beginning, there are many questions: What do I have to consider? Which courses do I have to attend? How can I finance my studies? In addition, there are everyday matters outside of university life, such as finding a place to live or sports and cultural activities. In order not to forget anything, we would like to guide you to the most important information about studying at KIT in a clear and compact way.

Orientation phase, preparation, financing your studies, mobility and anything else that is important.
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Campus Management, KIT-Card, deadlines, examination periods and more.
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In short clips on YouTube, we explain in German the most important things new students need to know at KIT.
An overview of the information and counseling points at KIT: Where to go with my request? Who can help me with my problems?
Advisory Services
AStA, university groups, student councils - there are numerous ways to get involved in your studies and beyond
In addition to organizational matters, such as the housing market, you will find information on the many opportunities Karlsruhe offers.
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Our channels for you: From social media to audio and video formats to the student magazine clicKIT
Watching. Reading. Listening.
Many leisure activities are offered at KIT, from drama groups to musical ensembles to university sport
Administration, institutes, lecture halls, buildings