Press Release 29/2008

Humanities and Social Sciences Contribute to the Building of the KIT

History Studies Courses Merge into “EUKLID”
Praise and impulses: External scientists evaluated the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

According to the experts’ report, practical orientation of the humanities and social sciences studies is a “trademark” of the faculty: Topics like multi-media, applied cultural sciences/cultural work or health and fitness management complement scientific education. Profession-oriented additional qualification, such as “Work for the Press, Radio, and Television”, “Project Management and Organization” or “Intercultural Communication” is open to students from other faculties and specifically link humanities and social sciences with engineering and natural sciences. “With these combination options, our technical university has a characteristic profile of its own that distinguishes studies - also of German language and literature or pedagogics - at Karlsruhe from studies at Heidelberg or Freiburg”, explains Professor Dr. Jürgen Becker, pro-rector for studies and teaching at the Universität Karlsruhe.

In research, the faculty wishes to enhance its interdisciplinary activities. It is decisively involved in the KIT competence area of “Impact on Society” that covers the interactions between technology and society. Moreover, the Institutes of Philosophy, of Professional and General Pedagogics, of Sports and Sports Science as well as of Sociology contribute to establishing the House of Competence (HoC) of the KIT.

Following the evaluation, the faculty and rectorate of the Universität Karlsruhe intend to further sharpen and enhance the profile in research and teaching. For this reason, the so far independent history studies course will merge into “European Culture and Idea History” (EUKLID) from the 2008/2009 winter semester already. “Nothing will be lost”, explains Professor Dr. Uwe Japp, dean of the faculty. “On the contrary: A professor of modern and contemporary history will be appointed again, expert knowledge in history will provide for a broader scientific basis of the studies”. With EUKLID, the faculty is presently offering a unique interdisciplinary project in Germany, which combines studies in philosophy, history, and literature science. New appointments will be made in the field of linguistics to establish links to the faculty of information science. In addition, humanists and social scientists intend to establish a school for graduate students in the near future, where young scientists from various faculties will study “Technology and Culture” in an interdisciplinary manner.

The achievements of the Institute of Sports and Sports Science were also assessed positively: In the opinion of the experts, the Center for School Sports and Sports of Children and Adolescents (FoSS) is starting to become visible on a national level. General university sports is impressing in its width and quality. Its embedding in the studies course of sports science and focus on fitness and health sports were considered to be convincing.

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is the merger of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, member of the Helmholtz Association, and the Universität Karlsruhe. This merger will give rise to an institution of internationally excellent research and teaching in natural and engineering sciences. In total, the KIT has 8000 employees and an annual budget of 700 million Euros. The KIT focuses on the knowledge triangle of research – teaching – innovation.

The Karlsruhe institution is a leading European energy research center and plays a visible role in nanosciences worldwide. KIT sets new standards in teaching and promotion of young scientists and attracts top scientists from all over the world. Moreover, KIT is a leading cooperation partner of industry.

le, June 10, 2008

le, June 10, 2008

Christian Könemann
Chief Press Officer
Phone: +49 721 608-41105
Fax: +49 721 608-43658
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