Highlights from Research, Teaching and Transfer

KIT Annual Report 2023 with exciting insights from cutting-edge research to knowledge transfer in business and society

The Annual Report 2023 of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, The Research University in the Helmholtz Association, has been published, and is just as exciting as in previous years: It contains highlights and fascinating developments of KIT’s research, teaching, and transfer. These include technologies for the energy transition, applications of artificial intelligence, and materials with completely new properties.

KIT researchers also received numerous grants, honors, and awards in 2023. This includes project funding under DFG's Reinhart Koselleck Program, which covers particularly innovative or risky projects, the Landeslehrpreis of Baden-Württemberg, and many awards for young scientists. These achievements and honorable appointments showcase the accomplishments as well as the high commitment of KIT’s students, professors, and all employees in science and administration and show that KIT is ideally prepared for mastering its future successfully.

Other chapters report on the promotion of young talent, international affairs, and the important topics of sustainability and digitalization and provide insights into life and work at KIT. The report is completed by a comprehensive facts and figures section.

For reasons of sustainability, we have decided to stop printing a large edition, but are offering it for download. If you would still prefer a printed copy, kindly request it at jahresbericht∂kit.edu.

jho, September 10, 2024


Annual Report 2023
International cutting-edge research, for example at the
Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina, is just one the
 many highlights in the KIT Annual Report 2023.