Events Calendar

Information Events

DACStorE Information Day on CO2 Direct Air Capture

Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 8:30-17:30
KIT Campus North, Foyer of the Zeiss Innovation Hub, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 6, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

The Helmholtz project DACStorE - A Comprehensive Approach to Harnessing the Innovation Potential of Direct Air Capture and Storage for Reaching CO2-Neutrality (see website link below) is organising an information day on direct air capture (DAC) on September 10, 2024 at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | KIT Campus North | Foyer of the Zeiss Innovation Hub - Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 6, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen.
The target groups of the information day therefore include scientists from other disciplines as well as the interested public, elected officials and decision-makers who would like to find out more about DAC, and companies that are interested or already active in DAC.

The program includes presentations on the technological development status of the main DAC processes from recognized experts from inside and outside the consortium
and the opportunity for detailed discussions with the scientists working in the project as part of a poster session. The poster session is open to all interested scientists. Poster submission is possible through the registration link below.

Prof. Dr. Roland Dittmeyer
Institut für Mikroverfahrenstechnik (IMVT)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Tel: 0721 / 608-23114
Mail: roland dittmeyer does-not-exist.kit edu
Entrepreneur, Researcher