Events Calendar


CZS Summer School Machine Learning for Chemistry 2024

Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 9:00-21:00
Triangel Karlsruhe
Kaiserstraße 93, 76133 Karlsruhe

With the topic "Machine Learning for Chemistry", this CZS Summer School 2024 will cover multiple aspects of this young interdisciplinary research area, e.g. molecular design and understanding, ML-potentials for atomistic simulations, synthesis predictions, and self-driving labs.
We want to address young researchers at early career stages specifically, i.e. undergraduate students in informatics, chemistry, and the material sciences as well as first and second-year PhD students. The program will contain both lecture-type presentations as well as interactive formats such as a lab visit, hands-on tutorials, and a poster session in which the participants can present their own research. Along with the scientific program, we will organize a side program consisting of a trip to Heidelberg including a visit of the castle, a social dinner as well as a public evening including a panel discussion on the topic "Machine Learning in Science - Hype or Future?".

Pascal Friederich /Tobias Schlöder
Institute of Theoretical Informatics (ITI)
AiMat Group
Engler-Bunte-Ring 8
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 (0)721 608-48456
Mail: tobias schloeder does-not-exist.kit edu
Researcher, Students, Everybody