Events Calendar


ENZo Talk - RWP special: „Research-to-Action“

Monday, 24 February 2025, 17:00-20:00
TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum
Kaiserstraße 93, 76133 Karlsruhe

This special edition of our ENZo Talks is focusing on the so-called Real World Projects (RWP) of the ENZo doctoral researchers.

In small, interdisciplinary teams, their own ideas on the topic of energy systems/energy transition were implemented in application projects. The three 2024 teams will present their results and the two new groups their ideas in short presentations, but also “hands-on” at the Marketplace.

There will also be an exciting start-up presentation “The story of StableFlame” (Dr.-Ing. El-Haji) and a panel discussion on the topic “What should a (scientific) training look like - what is important for the industry/labour market?”


Further information on the event can be found on the ENZo website.

Heike Kull
KIT Graduate School ENZo
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Mail: heike kull does-not-exist.kit edu