What will our life be like in the future? The exhibition “Ideas 2020 – A Tour of Tomorrow’s World” tries to answer this question. It will be open from June 20 to July 10, 2013, on KIT Campus South (building 10.50). Short picture stories will illustrate current research topics. Representatives of the media are cordially invited to join the opening of the exhibition on June 19, 18 hrs. “Ideas 2020” marks the start of KIT’s program for the EFFEKTE science festival, which will include more than 100 join-in actions, experiments, presentations, expert talks, films, and visits.
The exhibition “Ideas 2020 – A Tour of Tomorrow’s World” will provide insight into the work of scientists of the Helmholtz Association and other scientific institutions and organizations. Seven pillars illustrate challenges faced by society, such as smart energy supply, self-determined life at old age, reduction of the consumption of resources, life in the city, health care, internet, and future industry. Visitors are requested to ask own questions and enter them at a central multi-media table. There, they can also read the replies of others. At “Ideas 2020”, KIT will also present current projects. Picture stories focus on robots as helpers in everyday life, superconducting cables for future energy supply, and security technology for the future internet. The exhibition will be open daily from June 20 to July 10, 2013, 8 to 18 hrs. More information: www.ideen2020.de.
Opening of Exhibition on June 18, 18 hrs, KIT Campus South (building 10.50):
Welcome address: Professor Eberhard Umbach, President of KIT
Scientific Issues
Professor Maximilian Fichtner, Helmholtz Institute Ulm
Energy Storage: Challenges and Opportunities
Professor Jörg Sauer, Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology, KIT
Bioliq® - The Development Platform for Sustainable Fuels
Professor Clemens Posten, Institute of Process Engineering in Life Sciences, KIT
Microalgae: Renewable Biomass 3.0
Reading at “Ideas 2020”: On June 25, 19 hrs, the author and scientific journalist Thomas Bührke will read from his historical novel about the astronomer Aristarch from Samos: In the 3rd century B.C., he was the first to claim that the sun, not the earth, is located in the center of the world and fought an unwinnable battle against the traditional conceptions of his contemporaries. The novel provides an insight into ancient sciences and illustrates the ideas discussed at that time.
KIT at the EFFEKTE Science Festival– Other Program Highlights (selected)
Complete program: www.pkm.kit.edu/effekte_2013
Tent City “Effects at KIT”
June 22 and 23, 10 – 20 hrs; KIT Campus South, Schlossbezirk 11, building 20.11
While visiting the tent city, visitors can experience highlights of science and engineering: Experts in the areas of climate and the environment, energy, nanotechnology and microengineering, elementary physics and astroparticle physics, mobility, optics and photonics as well as anthropomatics and robotics present their activities. ARMAR, the humanoid robot, will demonstrate how household robots put items into the fridge or clean the table. Students from KA-RaceIng will present self-constructed racing cars. The KIT Relationship Management Service Unit will provide information about the KIT Foundation, the alumni network, and its Company & Career Service.
Exhibition of the KIT Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics Center (KCETA): “Giant Experiments for Small Particles”
June 21 – 30, 2013, 10 – 18 hrs, KIT Campus South, Gaede-Hörsaal, Engesserstraße 7, building 30.22
To find smallest particles, science needs huge devices and detectors: KCETA presents its research and experiments relating to the quark, gluon, boson, Higgs boson, lepton, electron, and neutrino.
WiWi-Cache – Scavenger Hunt 2.0 through the Department of Economics
June 21 – 30, 2013, all-day, KIT Campus South, Schlossbezirk 13, building 20.13
Explore the KIT Department of Economics via your smartphone. The cost-free app “WiWi-Cache” leads you from station to station during this interactive scavenger hunt. At every station, questions are asked on the department – score points for fast and correct answers (daily and total rankings).
Radiation Protection – Measurement of Radioactivity (KIT) Tracing Atoms (ITU)
June 22 – 30, 2013, 10 – 18 hrs, KIT Campus South, Zirkel 2, building 20.20
Objects containing natural radioactive substances are measured. Items brought along, e.g. grandfather’s watch with fluorescent numbers, can be measured as well. In cooperation with the Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) of the European Commission.
Physics in Everyday Life – Experiencing Physics
June 22, 2013, 14 – 18 hrs, KIT Campus South, Schlossbezirk 13, building 20.13, room 006
The course of experiments of the MINT-Kolleg Baden-Württemberg demonstrates exciting phenomena of physics for watching and joining in. Junior researchers of any age can construct lava lamps or generate “church bells in the ear”.
Guerilla Physics
June 24 – 28, 2013, 10 – 14 hrs, pedestrian area, Kaiserstraße, Schlosspark
Quick experiments out of the blue for joining in: Guerilla physics is aimed at surprising the people on the road by small experiments and to make them think.
When the Roof Is Open, Clouds Are Part of the Party
June 24 and 26, 15 – 18 hrs, KIT Campus South, Wolfgang-Gaede-Straße 1, building 20.23, 13th floor
Visit of the meteorological measurement station of the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research on the roof of the physics skyscraper. In addition, KIT’s research activities on climate and climate change are presented.
Science Movie: Colors of Math – Movie and Discussion
June 24, 2013, 19 – 21 hrs, KIT Campus South, Tulla-Hörsaal, Englerstraße 11, building 11.40
In “Colors of Math”, the Russian documentary filmmaker Ekaterina Eremenko shows mathematics from the sensual point of view. It can be tasted and smelled, it makes noise and appears in numerous colors. The movie was successfully presented at several film festivals. After the movie: Discussion with the director.
Science Speed Dating: Talking with Experts about the “Universe”
June 26, 2013, 17 – 18 hrs, Turmzimmer in Karlsruhe Castle
In eye-to-eye conversations, KIT scientists answer questions relating to the building blocks of the universe. Similar to the real speed dating, the talking time is limited to 5 minutes. Then, the asking persons go to the next expert. Online registration required:wissenschaftsfestival2013 ∂does-not-exist.iosb fraunhofer de
Science Movie: InsideScience – Movie: Science and Its Perception
June 27, 2013, 19 – 21 hrs, Kinemathek Karlsruhe, Studio 3, Kaiserpassage 6
The InsideScience project will present a selection of new and revised films on science and research at KIT. Prior to the presentation, an introduction will be offered. Afterwards, a discussion of the contents will follow.
Membranes – Artificial Sky
June 28, 2013, 10 – 17 hrs and June 29, 2013, 10 – 13 hrs, KIT Westhochschule, Hertzstraße 16
Tents from the scientific point of view: Challenges associated with construction using flexible materials, such as foils and tissues, are illustrated. A course is designed to present membrane lightweight construction and experiments to join in by the visitors.
Why Clouds Do Not Fall Down from the Sky? Show with Experiments
June 28, 2013, 19 – 20 hrs, KIT Campus South, Grashof-Hörsaal, Engelbert-Arnold-Str. 3, building 10.91
Often, the sky is blue. In the morning and in the evening, it turns red – why? Where do clouds come from or thunderstorms and rainbows? Weather experts explain the spectacle in the sky by performing many experiments. Not only science and engineering make us marvel, but also all the things we see outside daily.
Being “The Research University in the Helmholtz Association”, KIT creates and imparts knowledge for the society and the environment. It is the objective to make significant contributions to the global challenges in the fields of energy, mobility, and information. For this, about 10,000 employees cooperate in a broad range of disciplines in natural sciences, engineering sciences, economics, and the humanities and social sciences. KIT prepares its 22,800 students for responsible tasks in society, industry, and science by offering research-based study programs. Innovation efforts at KIT build a bridge between important scientific findings and their application for the benefit of society, economic prosperity, and the preservation of our natural basis of life. KIT is one of the German universities of excellence.