Transformation of the energy system in Germany results in new challenges, also to the labor market. It is important to both impart the current state of the art and to respond to the needs of an emerging occupational field. “Renewable Energies” and “Energy English” are two of the new advanced training courses developed by the Center for Open and Distance Learning of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for skilled and executive staff. The courses will start in November 2013 and are now open for registration.
In the future, the objectives of security of supply, economic efficiency, equal access, and environmental and climate compatibility will be of equal importance in the energy sector. To reach these objectives, various disciplines, e.g. engineering and natural sciences, cooperate with industry. Job profiles in the energy sector are developing, future employees are required to have specific qualifications. Many universities have responded to this need and established corresponding programs. Graduates of classical studies in natural sciences, engineering, and economics are forced to acquire the knowledge needed for such jobs in other ways. KIT has now developed scientific advanced training courses to meet the demand of companies in the energy sector for qualified personnel. The contact study programs are designed for scientific specialization or for conveying interdisciplinary knowledge and key qualifications to executives.
The courses were developed by the Center for Open and Distance Learning of the House of Competence (HoC) of KIT. “Our courses respond to the needs of the market. We want to combine science with practice. Participants are encouraged to contribute their professional experience,” says Daniel Weichsel, Director of the Center for Open and Distance Learning. In particular, the Center conceives, develops, executes, and evaluates distance and blended learning courses for university education and advanced training. Such courses combine phases in which the participants are present with a high share of online-based training activities. “Many participants do not have much time. They do not want to take a leave for longer training or additional studies. The advanced training programs offered by the Center for Open and Distance Learning can be integrated flexibly in the daily routine of the participants. “Course design was embedded in the activities of the European innovation platform for energy, KIC InnoEnergy. “We want to develop advanced training offers for the European market and to establish innovative formats. The courses at KIT mark the start only,” Claudia Depenthal, director of the training section of KIC InnoEnergy Germany GmbH, says. This European company invests in education programs, innovation projects, and spinoffs for the energy sector. The ultimate goal is to establish viable technologies for sustainable energy supply in Europe. Since its foundation in 2010, numerous projects have started successfully. The contact study programs “Renewable Energies” and “Energy English” are to start in November 2013. The registration deadline is October 01, 2013.
The program “Renewable Energies” will first deal with the term “energy” and primary energy resources. Then, technical applications and contexts will be considered. The course participants shall be enabled to assess the potentials of renewable energies from the technical and physical as well as from the ecological, economic, ethical, and political perspectives. Apart from the compulsory modules, the participants can determine their focuses in the program.
The language course “Energy English” combines energy terminology with elements of business and technical English. The course addresses persons who wish to improve their specific professional communication as well as those who want to communicate in English on matters relating to energy. For this course, B1 (GER) knowledge of English is required.
In spring 2014, the course “Electrical Energy Transmission” will be established. It will focus on technologies to secure electricity supply. Both, the physical background and legal and safety regulations will be dealt with.
Participants can join the contact study programs parallel to their jobs. The courses address working academics interested in advanced training parallel to their professional and private routine. If participants have a professional experience of at least four years, they can join courses without having graduated from a university. Successful completion of the programs will be confirmed by a certificate.
More information:
HoC ¦ Fernstudienzentrum
Karl-Friedrich-Straße 17
73133 Karlsruhe
Tel.: + 49 721 608 - 48200
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Being “The Research University in the Helmholtz Association”, KIT creates and imparts knowledge for the society and the environment. It is the objective to make significant contributions to the global challenges in the fields of energy, mobility, and information. For this, about 10,000 employees cooperate in a broad range of disciplines in natural sciences, engineering sciences, economics, and the humanities and social sciences. KIT prepares its 22,800 students for responsible tasks in society, industry, and science by offering research-based study programs. Innovation efforts at KIT build a bridge between important scientific findings and their application for the benefit of society, economic prosperity, and the preservation of our natural basis of life. KIT is one of the German universities of excellence.