His explanatory videos help millions of young people with learning maths—among them many students. On June 27, 2024, you can watch YouTuber Daniel Jung live at Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie (KIT). The talk will focus on the future of our educational system, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and his experience as a company founder.
The recent PISA study proved once more that pupils in Germany have a lot to catch up on maths. They often seek help on the social media, for example from the popular explanatory videos by Daniel Jung. “I believe that every single person has a hidden talent for maths,” says the YouTuber from Cologne in Germany. “The trick is to unveil it using the right methods and address it in the right way.” More than 3,000 explanatory maths videos published by him on his YouTube channel since 2011 and viewed by millions of users, prove that he is on the right track. On June 27, 2024, registered guests can watch his talk with Podcaster Daniela Musial-Lemberg from KIT Founders Forge live and free of charge (register here). “KIT students told us that Daniel Jung’s videos are important to their academic success. This made us curious,” said Musial-Lemberg. “In each of our Startup Dates, we get to know exciting personalities who want to make the world a better place with their work. This should inspire students to become entrepreneurs themselves and, in the best case, find their way to our introductory consultation right away.”
Artificial Intelligence Helps Understand Maths
Daniel Jung will not only talk about his life as a successful social media entrepreneur, but also about the state and future of our educational system. He primarily deals with the subject of AI and its contribution to learning. Together with KIT founders, he is planning to use AI in novel educational tools: “After creating videos, interactive maths textbooks, and a digital maths learning platform, this is the next logical step for me,” says Jung. “To me, this also has a lot to do with equity in education. I want to give children and young people, who have previously been excluded and disadvantaged, access to individual support.”
Live Stream Available to Everybody
The Startup Date event with Daniel Jung will take place on Thursday, June 27, 2024 from 7 p.m. on Kronenplatz square in Karlsruhe. In case of bad weather the event will take place in the adjacent TRIANGEL Open Space. The number of participants is limited, but if you are interested, you can view the event online: https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/de/veranstaltungen/startup-date-mit-daniel-jung-2024-06-27
About the “Startup Date” Event Series
How can an idea turn into a scalable product? How can a small team of students become a company? And, above all: How do the people behind it develop? Startup Dates is a digital event series organized by founder supporters at German higher education institutions. It provides an exclusive look behind the scenes of German startups and entrepreneurs with a focus on exciting, surprising, and private stuff. Details and insights that are often neglected. Startup Date is a joint initiative by KIT, Heidelberg University, Aalen University - Technology and Economics, Pforzheim Design Factory at Pforzheim University, University of Göttingen, SAXEED founders network, Entrepreneurs Campus at Ulm University, TU Darmstadt, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU), IU International University of Applied Sciences, HIGHEST – Innovation and Start-up Centre.
Being “The Research University in the Helmholtz Association”, KIT creates and imparts knowledge for the society and the environment. It is the objective to make significant contributions to the global challenges in the fields of energy, mobility, and information. For this, about 10,000 employees cooperate in a broad range of disciplines in natural sciences, engineering sciences, economics, and the humanities and social sciences. KIT prepares its 22,800 students for responsible tasks in society, industry, and science by offering research-based study programs. Innovation efforts at KIT build a bridge between important scientific findings and their application for the benefit of society, economic prosperity, and the preservation of our natural basis of life. KIT is one of the German universities of excellence.