
Sonntag, 23. März 2025
16:00 - 23:59 
The 3DMM2O Conference 2025: Additive Nano- and Micro-Fabrication in Optics, Electronics and Bioengineering
Bildungshaus Kloster Schöntal
Klosterhof 6 …
International and national invited speaker, Cluster of Excellence 3DMM2O

The conference shall be a platform for new approaches in the field of 3D Additive Manufacturing.
It aims at bridging the gap between advanced additive manufacturing techniques and their application in fields such as optics, electronics, and bioengineering.

The annual conference on topics surrounding 3D Additive Manufacturing is organized by the Cluster of Excellence "3D Matter Made to Order" (3DMM2O). 3DMM2O is a joint Research Cluster of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University (Uni HD). This event will be held at the baroque Schöntal Monastery, Germany (near Heilbronn), from March 23 to March 27, 2025

Montag, 24. März 2025
9:00 - 19:00 
The 3DMM2O Conference 2025: Additive Nano- and Micro-Fabrication in Optics, Electronics and Bioengineering
Bildungshaus Kloster Schöntal
Klosterhof 6 …
International and national invited speaker, Cluster of Excellence 3DMM2O

The conference shall be a platform for new approaches in the field of 3D Additive Manufacturing.
It aims at bridging the gap between advanced additive manufacturing techniques and their application in fields such as optics, electronics, and bioengineering.

The annual conference on topics surrounding 3D Additive Manufacturing is organized by the Cluster of Excellence "3D Matter Made to Order" (3DMM2O). 3DMM2O is a joint Research Cluster of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University (Uni HD). This event will be held at the baroque Schöntal Monastery, Germany (near Heilbronn), from March 23 to March 27, 2025

Dienstag, 25. März 2025
9:00 - 19:00 
The 3DMM2O Conference 2025: Additive Nano- and Micro-Fabrication in Optics, Electronics and Bioengineering
Bildungshaus Kloster Schöntal
Klosterhof 6 …
International and national invited speaker, Cluster of Excellence 3DMM2O

The conference shall be a platform for new approaches in the field of 3D Additive Manufacturing.
It aims at bridging the gap between advanced additive manufacturing techniques and their application in fields such as optics, electronics, and bioengineering.

The annual conference on topics surrounding 3D Additive Manufacturing is organized by the Cluster of Excellence "3D Matter Made to Order" (3DMM2O). 3DMM2O is a joint Research Cluster of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University (Uni HD). This event will be held at the baroque Schöntal Monastery, Germany (near Heilbronn), from March 23 to March 27, 2025

Mittwoch, 26. März 2025
9:00 - 19:00 
The 3DMM2O Conference 2025: Additive Nano- and Micro-Fabrication in Optics, Electronics and Bioengineering
Bildungshaus Kloster Schöntal
Klosterhof 6 …
International and national invited speaker, Cluster of Excellence 3DMM2O

The conference shall be a platform for new approaches in the field of 3D Additive Manufacturing.
It aims at bridging the gap between advanced additive manufacturing techniques and their application in fields such as optics, electronics, and bioengineering.

The annual conference on topics surrounding 3D Additive Manufacturing is organized by the Cluster of Excellence "3D Matter Made to Order" (3DMM2O). 3DMM2O is a joint Research Cluster of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University (Uni HD). This event will be held at the baroque Schöntal Monastery, Germany (near Heilbronn), from March 23 to March 27, 2025

Donnerstag, 27. März 2025
9:00 - 10:00 
The 3DMM2O Conference 2025: Additive Nano- and Micro-Fabrication in Optics, Electronics and Bioengineering
Bildungshaus Kloster Schöntal
Klosterhof 6 …
International and national invited speaker, Cluster of Excellence 3DMM2O

The conference shall be a platform for new approaches in the field of 3D Additive Manufacturing.
It aims at bridging the gap between advanced additive manufacturing techniques and their application in fields such as optics, electronics, and bioengineering.

The annual conference on topics surrounding 3D Additive Manufacturing is organized by the Cluster of Excellence "3D Matter Made to Order" (3DMM2O). 3DMM2O is a joint Research Cluster of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University (Uni HD). This event will be held at the baroque Schöntal Monastery, Germany (near Heilbronn), from March 23 to March 27, 2025

Donnerstag, 03. April 2025
13:00 - 17:15 
MBSR@Leadership - Mit Achtsamkeit in Führung
online via Zoom
Bettina Werner, Dipl. Sozialpädagogin, Coach (DBVC) und als Senior Teacher zertifizierte MBSR-Lehrerin

Online-Workshop für Führungskräfte. Sie werden in die Grundlagen von Achtsamkeit im Führungsalltag anhand des MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) Programms nach Prof. Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn eingeführt. Nach dem Workshop können Sie die Achtsamkeitsübungen mittels Videos weiter in Ihren Alltag integrieren. Die Haltung der Achtsamkeit unterstützt Sie darin, mit Akzeptanz und Wertschätzung im gegenwärtigen Moment Ihres Lebens zu sein. Dies führt zu mehr Bewusstheit im Sinne der Selbstregulierung, bzw. Selbstführung und zu Stressbewältigung. Sie lernen Ihre oft unbewussten Reiz-Reaktionsmuster kennen, um bewusster und gelassener führen zu können.
